


5 years, 17 days ago


GIANT dark eevee, a hyvrid of arcanine, was supposed to be an umbreon but was also holding a fire stone with him and something fucked up and now he's,,,, this? You'd still call him an eevee though

Dark/fire type, but most of his move set is still from eevee line, fire fang and bite is also included.

Gijinka form has a mullet, so u know his a killer

In the same timeline as Sylvester, knows if each other but refuses to speak to one another because they think they're mightier than the other.

His main job is to hunt and kill his prey, hence the name. Also will eat any pokemon, does not like berries at all. Fully carnivorous eevee. He hunts like a wild animal but also cam be calculative with his moves. Is willing to get down and dirty to do his job.

Never had a home that's kind to him, so when he finally had his secret hideout built, heade sure to fill it with as many items as possible that he stole from his dead victims to make his life easy and comfortable ex: reclining chair, massager, instant coffee maker, etc.

Also hoards mattresses because he loves to sleep in super duper comfy plushfilled beds