


5 years, 7 days ago


This is a Wraith-AI!
I will leave a link to their group in the main folder!

Dollie used to be a teen pop idol when she was still organic.
But due to a terrible and abrupt tragedy her sparkling career and life was ended.
The life of an idol is no safe one however, and a plan b was already plotted out for her should she ever perish!
She was signed up for an experimental version of life continuation. The Wraith-AI Project.

This operation ideally will bring our fallen idol back to us...heheheh

( I copied the wriath-ai info from the info bank on the DA page for those who don't know what a Wraith-AI is!)

The Wraith AIs are a type of vessel for souls, an experiment to not only prolong life, but to control and harvest the power of it. These beings are extremely hard to create, for a soul will not stay if it has nothing to cling to, but with this, it’s been made possible to lure, trap and rebirth. Certain things are needed to achieve this:
- A willing soul, someone who wants to stay in our world, willing to sacrifice themselves one way or another for it, be it a conscious or unconscious wish, for this reason we often use those who are close to death or have a longing desire for immortality.
- The vessel, the wraith is created to suit the persons needs and wants, for this is the body the soul will inhabit, its better to make it a body it WANTS to inhabit for better results.
- A combination of desired traits along with a special machine that will utilize the souls life force to produce energy, the programs inside these beings also serve purpose of learning, like our minds do, which is why we’ve made them AI.
- And most importantly... luck... for even the most perfect specimen can fail, life is a tricky thing, not so easily controlled even in flawless conditions.