


5 years, 1 month ago


Reason for mask: When she was younger she got bullied a lot by a group of kids who took it too far, most of them fueled with jealousy cause she was very attractive. They would do anything that would bring her harm, but one day they took it too far and were able to (successfully for them) scar her face badly. Her parents finally witnessed what had happened when they had to go pick her up. Packing up all their things and changing everything in their life. Lumina was very traumatized by the experience she begged her parents to allow her to wear a mask which they did. Too afraid to show her face incase the same incident would happen again. She has a scar that goes from her chin to her left eyebrow. And the mask she wears shows the happy childhood she was unable to achieve as it has a more happy/childish expression then she could give.