


5 years, 1 month ago


• Age: 24

• Height: 5’6"

• Gender: Female

• Sexuality: Demisexual

• Quote: “I guess this world is filled with garbage like you, but you seem to be a special kind of trash…”

• Personality: The type that emotes very little on her face, if any at all. For example, if she’s embarrassed then you’ll only be able to tell by the red tinge on her cheeks. Helena's words are rather blunt, harsh, mean, and cold. However, VERY deep down, she CAN actually be very loyal and loving. She's kind of like a tsundere? She can be mean to you, but then love you at the same time. Helena is also responsible and does things as accurately as possible.

• Likes: Flowers, cute accessories to put in her hair, sewing, and cake.

• Dislikes: Hot weather, Super sunny days, bugs, and seasonal pollen allergies.

• Backstory: Helena had fallen in love with a human a long time ago. She thought he was the love of her life and had even gotten engaged to him, soon to be married. However, it was actually some horrible plan by a small group of people who were against demons and the man was one of them, only acting the part of a charming human lover. Due to the altercation she had with them, Helena lost her eyesight and as she ran off, she was stabbed from behind. The weapon just barely missed her vitals and she was lucky enough to survive, but now she has a scar on her chest and back from where she was pierced. She doesn't hate humans from that one incident, but it does make it harder for her to trust others in general. Helena was saved because an old couple chanced upon her just in time and called for help. Ever since, she has been living with them, helping them with anything she can in return for their kindness. 


Helena is the daughter of a high ranking demon. Her whole life, she was raised to trample on those weaker than her in order to get farther and farther ahead. She was to always seek out strength and power. It was instilled in her that her duty was to bring about chaos and ruin. However, she ended up falling in love with a human while on an exploration mission for new territory. Helena was about to strike them down but his kind words and gentle demeanor charmed her enough for her to not kill him. They got to know each other more and she fell head over heels as they talked. Every time Helena went out on a mission given by her family or even higher ranking demons, she would meet up with him and they'd spend time together. She thought he was the love of her life. He was even changing her views on humans (and other creatures) and getting her to adopt a different attitude towards things. However, the man turned out to be a fake and he was only acting the part of her lover. He belonged to a small group of humans who abhorred certain species/creatures and aimed to hunt them down to extinction. They followed her back to her home to get rid of her and her family. With the information that they had gotten from Helena's time with her fake lover, they got enough to fight on "equal" ground. While trying to protect her family, Helena lost her eyesight and even got stabbed from behind. The weapon just barely missed her vitals and she was lucky enough to survive, but now she has a scar on her chest and back from where she was pierced. Within a day, her family had fallen to humans because of her. Using what little strength she had left, she killed the remaining humans including the one she had trusted. Luckily, she was found by Zethius. Just as Zeth finished healing her, he was found and dragged back to the palace. While her wounds healed, her eyesight could not return. 

After that, Helena trained hard on her own to get used to her lack of sight. She had to really hone her other senses and adjust herself. What helped her get through all of this was her goal of finding the demon who healed her and thanking him....but to also challenge him. Zeth had an extreme amount of power and she wished to test herself against him. She could still remember how his magic felt as it flowed into her to heal her. For now, this was her purpose in life, to chase after power but she also wishes to find something else to live for.