


5 years, 4 months ago


• Age: Looks 20, has been around for 40+ years.

• Height: 5’2”

• Original Doll Height: 12”

• Sexuality: Asexual (She’s a doll-)

• Personality: She’s very cautious, especially with humans. Lacy’s distrust is apparent, although it seems like all she wants is to be friends with people. However, her cracks and loss of her left foot have led her to doubt everyone until proven otherwise. Lacy’s true self is that of a reserved doll that likes to hear about people’s interests and how things have gone on in their life. She is rather patient and tends to be stubbornly independent sometimes. She means well and is wise in her own ways due to how long she has been around.

• Likes: Tea parties, flowers, cute vintage styled clothing, and listening to people.

• Dislikes: Lowkey humans until she trusts them enough, her broken body, when people aren’t careful with their toys, and dirt.

• Background: Lacy was misused and played with roughly when she was with her original owner as a small doll. Her next owner always left her wherever and would constantly forget her until hours later. This led Lacy to believe that most humans were careless and uncaring of their toys. They were simply just that, toys that are completely for their entertainment and it wouldn’t matter if they broke or not because they could just be replaced.

This incredibly saddened her. Lacy wanted to have an importance in someone’s life, to be treated as a friend or at least be treated with care. She thought that it would just go like this until she completely broke one day and be trashed. However, after Lacy was sold off by her fourth family, she was bought by a mother and her daughter. The mom didn’t wanna buy her at first because she was broken, but for some reason, the girl really wanted her. Lacy was ready to, once again, be subjected to whatever cruel child’s play this girl had in mind….but she turned out to be different. The daughter’s name was Eliza and when Lacy was brought home, she observed that she was Eliza’s first toy doll.

Surprisingly, Eliza treated her really well. Eliza immediately settled her into a comfortable spot on her bed and began to talk and talk. She didn’t know why, but when she first saw Lacy in the store, she was pulled in. Eliza had always wanted a doll but never got one until now. Her stuffed animals were all really wonderful and cuddly, but she wanted to have a toy to spill her thoughts and complain to and it felt odd to do that to stuffed animals.

• Facts:

- Doesn’t need to eat or drink in order to live, since she’s a doll she doesn’t need to.

- Can’t cry or anything since she’s a doll.

- Rarely goes down to the toy shop except to inspect when it seems empty. She lives in the place above the store where Eliza used to be.

- Wonders how she was granted with this new life and if it could somehow be given to other toys.

- Able to communicate with toys herself because of how she is, but humans can’t tell what the toys are saying if they heard her talking with them.