Theore Runeweaver



5 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Nightborne (previously Nightfallen)


Arcane Mage


Tailor and Enchanter


Young Adult

Eye Color

Pale Indigo

Height + Body Shape

6'6" and average




Shalassian, Orcish (conversational)


Neutral Good (Lawful-leaning)


At a Glance
Big Smile - It is rare to see Theore without a smile on her face, whether it be from excitement or awe.
Stylish - Though her outfit is nothing elaborate, it is clear the Theore has an eye for fashion and is well put-together.
Familiar - Theore is often accompanied by an arcane construct familiar that follows her around. It looks somewhat like a squirrel..
Curious - Theore is always eager to learn more about the cultures and history of Azeroth after being raised in Suramar.
Shimmer - Sometimes you will catch a shimmer across the left side of Theore's face, as if there is magic at work.

Physical Description
It's rare to see Theore without some sort of smile on her face, her bright eyes lit up with joy or excitement. Her face is framed by her dark hair, which is styled in a short bob with choppy bangs and longer sections along the sides. Faintly glowing freckles dot across her face and shoulders with arcane rune tattoos on her arms, back, and around her eyes. She dresses very simply, but her white and magenta robes are still elegant, clearly some of her own handiwork.

However, if you get a little closer, you might notice the gauntness of a once round face and the unnatural slightness of the frame hidden under her robes, indicative of having once been Nightfallen. And every so often, you can catch a shimmer over the left side of her face, indicating that she might be using her skill with glamours to hide something..

Though she is an adult, Theore never lost her sense of childlike wonder or positivity. She is bright and optimistic, never letting anything her ger down for long. However, she's a bit naive and often finds herself with her head in the clouds, causing some to consider her foolish and irresponsible. She makes up for it with her truly good heart and desire to do what is right. 

When interacting with others, she can be over-formal and shy, learned from a life of serving as a tailor to the nobility of Suramar. She has always seen herself as just another simple merchant, a nobody in a city of of stars, so she has trouble accepting compliments or being asked for her honest opinion, even after she has warmed up to someone. 

Born in Suramar to a family of merchant tailors a few generations before the barrier came down, Theore spent most of her days learning the family trade of glamour-weaving. More than simple tailoring, glamour-weaving requires a skill with the arcane to imbue the garments created with specific glamours and illusions. Theore proved naturally gifted in both aspects, and it wasn’t long before she was taking on custom orders for extravagant gowns with intricate glamours. However, a part of her always held on to her childhood dream of becoming an arcanist, so she studied the art and trained secretly with whatever tomes and scrolls she could get her hands on. 

When the barrier fell and the Legion took control of Suramar, she found herself morally opposed to Elisande's decision but lacking any real power to do anything about it. Her family was resigned to hide in their merchant anonymity and hope for the best, but Theore could not stand idly by. She did everything she could to help those stuck in the city and used her skills with illusions to help those from the rebellion stay under the radar. Eventually she was caught and exiled, so she travelled to Shal’Aran and joined the Dusk Lily rebellion officially. As she fell into a Nightfallen state, it took all of her strength to remain positive and continue fighting for her people’s liberation, but in the end, it all was worth it.

Now that she has been freed of the Nightfallen curse and Suramar is no longer besieged, Theore has decided to travel Azeroth and see all the lands she had only read or been told stories about. She has also decided to learn what she can from the people of Azeroth, both as a tailor and as a mage. As war wages between the Horde and Alliance, Theore tries to keep her distance, not at all eager to fight those who not long ago helped her gain freedom.