Ashen Eyes



5 years, 1 month ago


Asheneyes, Celestial Warlock

Backstory: Ashen Eyes was born into a Tabaxi clan that lived deep in the rainforest with her twin sister, Flaming Tongue. They lived a humble but rewarding life, with Flame hunting for the clan and Ash training under the wise-woman to read the signs of their guardian spirit to help guide the clan toward prosperity. Their village had a tenuous relationship with the Yuan-ti, strictly enforcing borders to minimize contact and protect the village. One day, mysterious Yuan-ti mages nearly burned down the village in a surprise attack. In the chaos, Ash was blinded, and nearly crushed by burning timber. Before she could give up and die the spirit of her clan came to her and granted her magical power as well as the ability to see again. With the divine help she was able to help thwart the attackers. She thought her duty was but Ash's patron is furious and has made it a term of their pact that she find and punish the group responsible. So her journey began...
