⛤ Cynthia Miller



5 years, 13 days ago



Cynthia "Cyn" Miller

She/Her - 28 Years Old - ESFJ

"No matter how hard things get, if you set your mind to it you can't fuck it up."


Sexuality: Heterosexual

Cynthia is a thicc female. She holds a confidant pose all the time with half lidded eyes with a mischievous look in them. Her hair is slightly floofy, with a secret undercut to keep the thick locks a little thinner and has to be braided back when she sleeps or it takes too long to brush.

She always wears dark make-up, and rocks the pastel/soft goth style. Only wears Fannypack to parties cause "If you gotta go to a party, why have an easy to lose bag?"

She has smooth sunkissed skin and soft blueish eyes that seem to be tinted purple.
+ Cynthia has a large bust, slender waist and thick hips.
+ She always wears her purple coat. It's with every outfit, she loves it. It's very soft and very warm.
+ She loves crop-tops. Every top is a crop top. Except in winter. Only sweaters in winter. She always wear thigh highs as well.
+ Her natural hair color is a light brown, she has to bleach and dye her hair every once and a while to keep it consistent.
+ She has three piercings on each ear, nip piercings, an eyebrow piercing and snakebites.
+ She has a tattoo on her back and one on her right arm

Worth: $10 USD


Cynthia is a calm and careful woman. She is highly guarded and would rather take a while to get to know new people then to instantly want to be friends with them. Once she does get to know new people, she tends to take on a more motherly role, willing to put her friend's well being before her own.

She has a soft spot for Animals and children. She tends to be forgetful and has to have a list with her at all times for everything she needs to get or do for the day.

She is not a morning person, so far from it to be exact. Will probably not want to deal with people until she had her first cup of coffee, then she is more then happy to chatter away.

  • Succulents
  • Gardening
  • Herbal Teas(Mainly Pepper Mint)
  • Magic Potion Tea(With lemon)
  • Big Doggos
  • Listening To Music
  • Crowded Places, Not all parties gotta have your rubbing up against someone
  • Small Spaces
  • Heights
  • Swimming In The Ocean
  • People Calling Her Dog Dangerous
  • People Calling Her A Satan Worshiper(No hate to satanists, they chill, but damn it's annoying to get beliefs wrong, ya know?)
  • HOBBY: Avid Gardener.
  • HOBBY: Jogging.(Usually with her dog)
  • HOBBY: Partaking in parties.
  • HABIT: Twirls her bangs or plays with her snakebites when nervous.
  • HABIT: Picks at nail polish as soon as it starts to chip.
  • HABIT: Has full blown conversations with her dog.
  • HABIT: Sticky notes, Sticky notes everywhere.
  • STRENGTH: Due to walking her dog, she is pretty athletic and could hold her own in a fight.
  • STRENGTH: She doesn't just give trust, even if it sounds like she does, this means it's hard to trick her.
  • STRENGTH: Has a vast knowledge of different plants, does know what's edible and what can kill or at least make someone very sick.
  • WEAKNESS: Trusts children instantly, would probably easily get backstabbed by a child.
  • WEAKNESS: Her horrible memory, would probably lose her head if it wasn't attached to her body.
  • WEAKNESS: Mornings, she just can't function no matter how much sleep she's gotten.
  • SKILL: Origami, learned how to make a lotta stuff with her sister.
  • SKILL: She is one hell of a story teller. Always down for a story time session.
  • SKILL: Can run in high heels.. Be warned, she will book it.
  • Cynthia's nickname is Cyn.(Pronounced Sin)
  • She grew up in a household that follows Wiccan morals and are very close to the Goddess and God energies.
  • She is very spiritual, her room full of different types of crystals, plants and what not.(Might just be because she has an addiction to plants and crystals)
  • Every Succulent she owns has a name.
  • Cynthia owns a Chocolate brown Bullmastiff Pitbull Mix male named Josh.(He has a good neighbour certificate meaning he does not need to wear a Muzzle in places where it is legally required)
  • Cynthia's house is a refurbished warehouse, It's spacious and her 'Second floor' area has a glass roof. That area is her garden and it is beautiful.

Describe your character's childhood here. This box will scroll. Clicking on the other headers (buttons) will expand/ collapse them.

Donec pellentesque quam urna. Vestibulum pretium orci nec risus cursus scelerisque. Sed congue, eros pharetra porta hendrerit, nisi arcu tincidunt velit, at blandit tellus purus in purus. Mauris at blandit turpis. Donec id ex quis nulla venenatis vehicula in et libero. Quisque nec velit quis est posuere pharetra gravida ut purus. Aenean volutpat ligula ligula, ut convallis quam ultricies ut.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque a fermentum lacus, vitae tempor nibh. Mauris blandit tristique orci, quis luctus mauris mattis faucibus. Vivamus semper purus non sapien feugiat interdum. Quisque sed tortor at elit consequat vulputate in at turpis. Proin iaculis mi est, quis feugiat dui sollicitudin molestie. Nunc porttitor a metus non auctor.

Describe your character's teenage years here. This box will scroll. Clicking on the other headers (buttons) will expand/ collapse them.

Donec pellentesque quam urna. Vestibulum pretium orci nec risus cursus scelerisque. Sed congue, eros pharetra porta hendrerit, nisi arcu tincidunt velit, at blandit tellus purus in purus. Mauris at blandit turpis. Donec id ex quis nulla venenatis vehicula in et libero. Quisque nec velit quis est posuere pharetra gravida ut purus. Aenean volutpat ligula ligula, ut convallis quam ultricies ut.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque a fermentum lacus, vitae tempor nibh. Mauris blandit tristique orci, quis luctus mauris mattis faucibus. Vivamus semper purus non sapien feugiat interdum. Quisque sed tortor at elit consequat vulputate in at turpis. Proin iaculis mi est, quis feugiat dui sollicitudin molestie. Nunc porttitor a metus non auctor.

Describe your character's adulthood here. This box will scroll. Clicking on the other headers (buttons) will expand/ collapse them.

Donec pellentesque quam urna. Vestibulum pretium orci nec risus cursus scelerisque. Sed congue, eros pharetra porta hendrerit, nisi arcu tincidunt velit, at blandit tellus purus in purus. Mauris at blandit turpis. Donec id ex quis nulla venenatis vehicula in et libero. Quisque nec velit quis est posuere pharetra gravida ut purus. Aenean volutpat ligula ligula, ut convallis quam ultricies ut.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque a fermentum lacus, vitae tempor nibh. Mauris blandit tristique orci, quis luctus mauris mattis faucibus. Vivamus semper purus non sapien feugiat interdum. Quisque sed tortor at elit consequat vulputate in at turpis. Proin iaculis mi est, quis feugiat dui sollicitudin molestie. Nunc porttitor a metus non auctor.

Celine Miller

Celine is Cynthia's younger Sister.... Their parents had an interesting naming choice, sometimes getting the girl's names mixed up, even after so long when Cynthia moved out.

Whenever Cynthia and Celine hang out, Cynthia likes to go solely by Cyn.

Melanie Miller

Melianie is the middle child. She likes to joke with her sister that at least one of them had a different enough sounding name... Even though the name mix ups still happen...


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.


Describe the character's relationship here. This section will not scroll. Duis mollis ligula purus, sed hendrerit sem imperdiet ut. In ac neque molestie, rhoncus eros eget, eleifend risus. Nullam volutpat sodales magna, at finibus metus imperdiet sit amet. Sed porta diam et quam ornare, sit amet pulvinar magna condimentum. Nam porttitor feugiat dictum. Morbi sit amet vulputate risus. Nullam varius vitae ante in ultricies. Fusce diam tellus, pretium nec tincidunt nec, venenatis ut ante. Nam eget consequat est. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse finibus purus augue, tristique cursus est sollicitudin maximus. Duis sed leo enim. Sed sed ullamcorper ex. Ut ornare purus eu magna sollicitudin, in lacinia elit volutpat.