Cecilia "Cece" Reed



8 years, 1 month ago


"Won't you die for me?"



♠ Name: Cecilia "Cece" Reed
♠ Age: 17
♠ Gender: Female
♠ Height & Weight: 5'5 (165 cm) 99lbs (44 kg)
♠ DOB: 12/01
♠ Occupation: Necromancer  





Upon first glance, she looks like a normal, if not slightly flamboyant, young girl who always wears a bright smile. She has a generally friendly disposition, often speaking with people regardless if she just met them recently or had known them for years. She speaks in a mild tone and her rather naive worldview often leads her to treat all people politely as she sees them all as perfect subjects. She is quick to compliment people however her way of wording things are incredibly disturbing - (E.g "Such a nice bone structure! Your corpse will surely make a great masterpiece!") She does meant it in a positive way but the message itself is scary. This coupled with her outlandish honesty and sweet smile had the opposite effect on people and she is seen more as a psycho.


As a necromancer, Cece deals with corpses on a daily basis. She is often found on graveyards, claiming to speak with the dead. She also has a hobby of digging up abandoned mass graveyards to obtain a new friend. This twisted personality stemmed from her strange upbringing and childhood - the environment and teaching she grew up in produced a rather strange person with a love for dissecting carcasses of living beings, human corpses, blood, bones and death itself. She is a genuinely sweet person but her outlet of showing affection is not quite normal. She is obsessed with the idea of the undead and bringing a soul back from the underworld. Because of her excessive passion, people often mistake her as a necrophiliac.


♠ Speak with the dead - Cece is very particular about obtaining new subjects so she makes sure she gets the permission of the individual before using their corpses. To do this, she speaks with them and directly asks them.

♠ Raise the Dead - She can make super loyal zombies lolol.

♠ Sense Death - She has the ability to sense wether a person is about to die.

♠ Curses - she can actually curse people to make them unlucky and close to death. Careful you don't die. Depending on her mood, the curse gets stronger.

♠ Gender Swap - A mishap with one of her rituals caused her to change genders randomly.



TLDR: Cece has crazy weird parents belonging to a crazy clan of arrogant death-fanatics. They choose ten children every generation, raise them as candidates for the next head with their standards and turn them into creepy talented children who can kill you with a sweet smile. Cece's parents were obsessed in making her the leader so they brainwashed the kid and told her that killing = death = love. perf parents. They had their 5 year old kid kill and store them - yeh good parenting - if she succeeds as the head, she can get mommy and daddy zombies otherwise, go get lost kid - no place for failures. Cece - with hardwork - succeeded but then her internal conflict caused a massacre ending with her clan members all killed off. With this, her final switch was set off and she became what her parents wanted her to be - a truly cold blooded two faced weirdo - She burries everyone happily and leaves to be wild and free~



Cecilia Reed was born in a small twisted clan of heretics whom covets the undead more than the living. They practice dark arts as well as black magic but they were most notorious for their practice of necromancy.

 The clan held strong conviction against worldly desires and loathed the idea of mortal pleasures. They lived humbly and taught their children to do the same. They were preparing them after all for their ultimate reason for living. Every generation, the clan follows a certain ritual to choose the next leader. To do so, their council will take and raise ten children at the age of five– all of whom are chosen based on strict criteria. Every member of the clan views this as the greatest honor and thus hone their children to live up to the standards.

 The first condition: one’s mind must be pure and innocent – for little kids, this much is given but it is still a parent’s responsibility to keep them away from any poisonous knowledge. The second one was to keep their bodies, health and appearances in perfect condition. The chosen children must be what people may call beautiful and they must be free from all types of imperfections and diseases. The third and most crucial was to have extreme faith towards the clan’s sacred beliefs. To worship death that is.


 These young minds will be raised in a secluded environment where they will learn to love one another like real siblings. Ingrained to them was the crooked common sense that all living beings live and die for their sakes and that one day, one will be chosen amongst them. To happily sacrifice their lives for that person is their true bliss… or so they were taught.

 As innocent and gullible as they are, the kids believed every word. They were taught advanced academics and necromancy and at the same, they played like little children would. They raised pets affectionately but wearing the same sweet smile, they killed them and revived their corpses from the dead. The kids came to view death as an incredibly beautiful thing, they wouldn’t mind sacrificing themselves to it any day.

 Of course, not everything was good from the start, some kids cried and had nightmares but they gradually get used to it. There was, however, one exception.

 Cecilia, a precocious little girl. She was mostly quiet but always wore a pleasant smile. She seemed normal but she thoroughly enjoyed every single task they did. It was as if she was born with cruelty and kindness at the same time, her very existence was the contradiction that the clan has been aspiring to achieve. It became clear that she would be the chosen one and the future head of the clan… or atleast, she appeared to be.


“I will work hard… so I can meet them again... Don’t forget... to put on that smile.”


 She was the daughter of one of the clan’s most faithful members. So faithful that they embedded the clan’s teachings deeply into their lives and their daughters mind. To stay strong in the face of ordeal and to smile even when death is near… no, especially at death’s doorstep. To kill her emotions when she needs to…

They raised her lovingly but they made one thing clear to her. That they will one day be her tools… her servants once she succeeds the title as the clan’s head.

 Because they love her so much, they will die for her.

 And if she loves them back, she will kill them and succeed as the clan’s head.

 On the day she was selected, her parents stayed true to their words and had their daughter take their lives and store their corpses. She can only revive them if she succeeds as the head. There was no other option but to win.

 And thus Cecilia worked incredibly hard to meet their expectations so that her simple wish could be granted. She stopped herself from throwing up every time they draw blood, stayed awake countless nights when she got nightmares… and most of all, she hid her every fear and pain behind a perfect smile. Through this, she managed to survive that unholy place…

 In those ten years of training, the kids grew even more eccentric in their own right. Though their minds remained innocent like a child’s, they excelled in almost everything much more than the average human. The whole clan was joyous.

 Then came the ceremony. After years of seclusion, it was the first time again that they set foot outside. The children were tremendously excited and Cecilia was the same. It was the long awaited succession ceremony after all and after long tragic years, she can finally meet her parents again… as undead servants but that’s just a small detail.



The ritual was a long complex one – In the sacred grounds covering a huge land in their territory, talismans were erected to seal the whole place shut. The seal was made to stop all interruptions and forbid the use of any ability inside of it apart from the chosen child. Only a few clan members remained outside to guard and the rest were inside to witness the long awaited trial. The ceremony goes as follows, the chosen child will stand in the center of an elevated podium. Around her were the 9 kids in sacrificial robes, lying awake on the cursed ritualistic rune drawn on the floor. The child will then kill every single kid and prepare them for their revival. (basically what you do when one dies and u prepare them for burial – dissect and embalm). During the ceremony, she will be given the required tools and each task has to be done manually and continuously without stop. After completion, the child must complete the spell and resurrect the dead.

As expected, Cecilia was the chosen one for that generation. She performed the task with great determination but of course, she asked each and every one of them if they are willing to go through the sacrifice. Everyone twistedly smiled and answered yes. And so the ritual proceeded without fail. It took her almost a day to finish till the last child. Her siblings unrelated by blood. Playmates who shared the same painful experiences. Their throats slit open by her very own hands. With agony and bliss intertwined inside her head, Cecilia began with the ritual. Probably because of her physical and mental fatigue and emotional scars, the revival has gone wrong.

The resurrected kids became rogue and began attacking every single person inside the sealed grounds. With the talismans preventing them from doing anything, each person was forced to flee and fend off for themselves against the overwhelmingly powerful undead Cecilia created. She was a great genius for sure but this time, it’s not praiseworthy. With weapons and guns, they tried to fight but they were all ineffective and everyone died one by one. The authorities tried to contact the members outside but it will take them an hour to bring down the seal. In the end, when the talismans were finally taken down, what they saw was carnage beyond belief and a single child crying and smiling in the midst of it all.

“I’m sorry, I‘m sorry, I’m sorry…” she repeatedly said as her nails dug down her face, causing it to bleed profusely. With her tears and blood mixed, she was a pitiful sight to see however, the surviving clan members instead loathed and persecuted her. 

The remaining members all gathered and numbered a dozen. With their abilities usable and hatred in their hearts, the members tried to kill Cecilia but as her power went out of control, each person who died inside were resurrected and attacked the remaining members.


It ended with tragedy.


When Cecilia came to, she was standing on that podium with her undead clan members looking blankly at her. Though they were bowing down at her, the screams of their souls echoed loudly in her head, cursing and blaming her. Faced with such a foreign situation, she broke down. She released the undead from her grasp, causing them all to lay on the ground, dead and never coming back. For days, Cecilia went back and forth their estate. Resting and recuperating in the dark halls of their once lively home before going back to the field to bury her family members one by one. For a little kid, it was too much work and it took her a really long time to make the grave for each and everyone of them.

Lastly, she went towards her old home… In the basement where the corpses of her parents were perfectly preserved.

“I did it, you know? I’m the head now… but there’s no clan anymore. Is that not counted as a win?” With strange cheerfulness and an unfazed smile, she moved the corpses like puppets and lead them to the graveyard. She felt their animosity… her beloved… dear parents now hated her as well however, she just smiled sweetly as she laid both of them to rest.

“See you in the after life.”

Cecilia then took up a different surname, took the family’s assets and got herself as far away from that place as possible.

--present –

She entered an academy for gifted kids.



+ Corpses
+ Graveyard /Cemeteries - she goes there to clean and put flowers on her friends' graves
+ Flowers
+ Dissecting and drawing blood ///she likes violence and loves seeing people fight to the death.
+ Winter
+ Love (in her dictionary, love = torture)
+ Bones
+ The scent of death, suffering and death itself
+ Boy A (Tuduo)

- Cats
- Hot Weather
- Classes/School
- Disturbing the dead's resting place without permission
- Sweet stuff
- People who harms//steal those she consider as friends. No one gets to love them but her (Love = death and suffering).


- due to her past experience of killing off her family, Cece became terribly attached to people she loves. She does have a twisted perception of love tho - she thinks the ultimate form of affection is to die for the one you love and be an undead corpse. So if she takes a liking to you, she'll ask you to give your ded bodeh to her. (Not the other way around, she's selfish like that lmao)

- she has lots of frands she met at the local cemetery and she likes letting new frands meet them. Who knows, they might like the idea of dying  ///on the contrary, no one without a sixth sense like her can see and talk with le ded guys so people think she's crazy.

-She still have nightmares so she sometimes wander around at night to stay awake.