Toshiro Kousetsu



5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Toshiro Kousetsu

Nickname: Toshi

Age: 58

Height: 6'8"

Likes: Working with his hands, Children, Rain

Dislikes: Vegetables, Baths, Scaring kids

Personality: A gruff but kind man. He can be very stern and serious and people often find him quite intimidating. He becomes a gentle giant around kids and is a total sap when it comes to his wife and child.

Bio: Toshiro grew up on a farm with 5 younger siblings. He left home at 18 and ended up becoming a mechanic a few towns over. He met Fuyuko at age 23 and fell head over heels for her. It took him a long time to gain her approval and earn a date. But once he did they were inseparable. They married a year later. They tried for children for years before seeing a doctor and finding out that Fuyu was infertile. A friend of theirs, Dahlia Beck, volunteered to be a surrogate for them and when Toshi was 31 Kindo was born. Toshi immediately adored his son and did his best to make sure Kindo knew it. He was the parent who let Kindo get away with everything, staying up late, ice cream for breakfast, not eating his vegetables. Luckily Fuyu made up for his lack of discipline and made sure their son didn't end up a complete hooligan.

Base by Clown-Grin

Design by HallowedSin on DeviantArt and ToyHouse