Pippin Bellflower





Pippin Bellflower

Armor- None. Weapons- Dagger, Arcane Focus Orb. Tools- None. Languages- Common, Infernal, Abyssal.

Voice Claim - Moira O'Deorain Touhou Theme
Pippin Bellflower
5" 3'
Lawful Neutral
Dungeons and Dragons Universe
Short pixie-cut and swept back, pale blonde.
Block red with no visible sclera or pupil

Pippin stands at 5" 3' with short-cut pale blonde hair that she likes to keep swept back neatly and tucked behind her ears. Several freckles cover the bridge of her nose. Her eyes shine red with no visible sclera or pupil. Her horns are dark brown in colour and curve downwards and tuck just behind her pointed ears.

Pippin's academy uniform is like that of Kodona fashion. She wears a long-sleeved white shirt underneath a pair of black shorts and black straps. She finishes this look off by wearing a small black bow ribbon around her neck and under the shirt collar, a pair of knee-high black socks and black brogues.


  • The Violin
  • Magic
  • Books
  • Herbal tea
  • Information
  • Disorder
  • Exclusion
  • The Goddess Faya and her Children
  • Loud noise
  • Becoming distracted
  • Eldritch Blast
  • Minor Illusion
  • Thaumaturgy
  • Command
  • Hellish Rebuke
  • Arcana
  • History
  • Investigation
  • Survival

"I talk to spirits that no one else can see."

Pippin was born into the Bellflower family upon the desert planet Sohruta to two humans; Casmir and Alannah Bellflower. The birth of their Daughter came as a shock to find their baby was born a Tiefling. Unbeknowst to the parents, this was a result of infernal blood being in the family many generations ago. Pippin grew into a fine young Tiefling, staying within the walls of her house to be home-schooled. Whilst out on one of their many trips into town, a certain book in a shop window caught young Pippin's eyes. It was a rather interesting looking book with an intricate design on the front cover. However, the age of the book was as clear as day as the pages looked tattered and the cover rather bashed and unkept. Still the book intrigued the small Tiefling as she pleaded with her Father to buy it. The book was an old Spell Book, handed into the shop to sell on by a previous owner whom remained anonymous. Casmir had to work overtime and put in extra shifts just to afford the book for his Daughter's 10th birthday present. From then on, Pippin began to immerse herself into the book, reading over numerous spells day after day until finally she decided on her life goal. She wanted to attend the Arcane Wizarding Academy. This came as quite a shock to her parents as the two became increasingly anxious over their Daughter. Pippin was small, naive and quiet. And in a world where most prestigious schools frowned upon their social class, they feared for how she would cope. However, they only wanted for their little girl to be happy. And so Casmir and Alannah encouraged their Daughter's dream to study in hopes of getting a scholarship to attend an arcane wizarding school.

A medicine crisis had hit Sohruta, making cures and remedies for even the simplest of ailments difficult to come by. Alannah had fallen ill by the time Pippin had turned fourteen years old, and unfortunately passed away due to lack of healthcare and medication to keep her body fighting. Determined to make her Father and Late Mother proud, Pippin stuck to her studies and the dream her Mother had encouraged with so much support. After passing her exams with flying colours, Pippin gained a scholarship and enrolled into the Academy at the age of sixteen. She found the task of making friends to be rather difficult due to her social class and her quiet nature. Throughout her education at the Arcane Wizarding School, Pippin unfortunately experienced the discrimination which her Father had feared those years of watching her grow. The discrimination ranged from fellow students and a select few teachers. Unfortunately this led to the young Tiefling's grades to slip as teachers wrongly kept vital pieces of information in classroom lessons from her, and the bullying would break her concentration. Pippin, determined to catch up with her classes and keep her parents proud, done all she could to bring her grades back up, however struggled to follow along with the class as her skills in magic declined. Almost ready to give up, the young Tiefling was approached by a Glabrezu one dark night. If she was willing to sell her soul to the cunning Demon, he would grant her with what she desired most. The naive Tiefling was at a loss for options and at the point of desperation. The information and magic she was desperate for was being presented to her right there for the taking, and so she made the bargain with the Demon. Her soul for the power to become a great wizard. She was desperate to learn magic, not anymore for herself but for her late Mother. She hopes to find a way to bring her back to the living. Once this has been acomplished, the Glabrezu will have her soul. As a result of this, a contract seal tattoo has been marked upon the Tiefling's upper back. Pippin now wanders her planet across the sand dunes, through the small enclosed towns and deep valleys with her Bat Familiar; Pudge, and the Glabrezu she holds a pact with, practicing and perfecting her knowledge over magic to bring her Mother back.

  • ● Proficiencies in Arcana and History
  • ● Dark Vision, can see in the darkness up to 60ft
  • ● Hellish Resistance - Resistance to fire damage
  • ● Infernal Legacy - Knows the Thaumaturgy Cantrip
  • ● Otherworldly Patron - She has struck a bargain with an otherworldly being
  • ● Dark One's Blessing - When she reduces a hostile creature to 0 HP, she gains 1 temp HP.

profile html by Hukiolukio profile idea by BigBreaker