4004exe's Bulletins


Posted 10 months, 1 day ago by 4004exe

Hihi I know i've been a bit inactive lately due to college but hopefully I can let out a few more codes when I can

Also lately a lot of people have been using my code and remove the credit please DO NOT remove the credit even if the code is edited, It is there for a reason. 

Small Update!

Posted 11 months, 17 days ago by 4004exe

Types of code

3 Votes User
6 Votes Characters
1 Votes Folder
0 Votes Other (Comment below!!)

Hihi! Im still alive and I plan on putting out a few more codes soon…

What type of codes are you most interested in?

Also a small reminder to not remove credits in my codes,,I’ve found a few people removing the credit on my work and it against my tos to remove it ^^

✩‧ Coding Request

Posted 1 year, 17 days ago by 4004exe

Feel free to give me coding requests here!

By giving a request you allow me to share these codes publicly! 

Feel free to give me ocs to make codes based off of or give me a mockup!