Lance C Bones



7 years, 11 months ago


First Name: Lance
Last Name: Bones
Year of Birth: 1988
Sex: Male
Height: 5'10”
Shoe Size: 11 US
Sexuality: He thinks he has one of those somewhere.
Relationship status: Single
Species: Golden Labrador Retriever mix
Fur color: Golden tan with blue patches
Pads color: Black
Eye color: Green/Light Green
Favorite color: Dark blues
Dominance: Switch, mostly submissive

About The Character


Lance is wary about meeting new people, and being around those that he hasn’t known for long. But given a little bit of time, and the right setting, he'll become very comfortable very quickly. He’s very enthusiastic about being friends and having as much fun as can be had. If there’s ever something that needs doing, if he can help, he’ll want to help as much as you’ll let him. Feeling useful in one way or another gets his spirits up and him in a good mood. He may be very eager to please, but is also very worried about disappointing others. This, sometimes, will cause him to want or need direct instructions on what you want him to be doing when he’s helping out.

He likes to collect things and is often proud of his collections, no matter how big or small they are. It’s not often that he’ll start collecting something new, but when collecting something it is always organized in some way or another. Duplicates aren’t usually sorted, but he has been known to do so from time to time.

Lance loves physical contact. He’s always open for a hug, and if he’s comfortable enough with the person, is usually up for cuddles. Around new people he’s very hesitant to start with about giving hugs, as he knows not everyone likes physical contact as much as he does. He tends to warm up to women faster than men, as for most of his life he grew up around women. Upon leaving he’ll usually ask for hugs, but if you offer a hug upon greeting, he won’t pass up the opportunity and will be sure to ask for one upon leaving.

Lance is a very easy going dog. He’s alright with just about everything and anything, as long as it doesn’t make him too uncomfortable or has a high possibility of hurting him or others. He’s even more open to ideas from others rather than his own, even if they are the same ideas he has, or the same ideas with the roles reversed. He loves being able to answer questions, and if he can’t or won’t answer them, he’d let you know why.


- Anime
- Computer games
- People just being themselves
- Laughing
- Hugs and cuddles
- His ears being scratched/rubbed
- Clean feet/paws
- Being intoxicated
- Feeling useful
- Marshmallow Fluff
- Strawberries


- feeling alone
- stuff being in his ears
- being hurt (physically or mentally)
- the taste of alcohol
- always ‘in your face’ kinds of personalities
- ‘I’m always right’ kinds of personalities
- being lied to
- being mislead


- Needles
- complete darkness
- high heights

Shy about but enjoys:

- meeting new people - quickly gets over this
- going to new places alone - relates to meeting new people


- chews on his tongue slightly and/or brings a hand to mouth when thinking
- fiddles with little objects when nervous
- Tail wags when happy or excited
- becomes a little loud when very excited

Clothing styles:

Lance prefers everything of his to be loose fitting, yet not very baggy. Things that fit loosely are comfortable, but to loose and then it starts getting in the way of his work. He also finds that he never has enough pockets. He prefers pants with extra pockets, and plain t-shirts. His shirt may not have any places to hold things, but he makes due with what he has otherwise. He usually wears a belt around his waist.