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KrizDTS 5Tr82he11 Rosakura Dawnstorm111 

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She had walked into the wrong house....

______ has never disobayed someone before, but when they told her to stay away; she felt a pull, a rush...and just had to go inside.
The magic that zinged under her skin made her shudder, and the wind that blew her ringlets of hair almost pushed her to keep walking...

If she regretted her choice, she had no one to tell, but being trapped in a magical world had its advantages.

Name: Lady Marié

Nickname(s): Lady Nightmare, Marié

Age: ???

DOB: ???

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her/Hers

Height: 7'0"

Weight: ???

Body Type: Average, tall,

Species: Nightmare Entity

Orientation: ???

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Dream Influencer

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Hair Colour: Light Gray fading to Red

Eye Colour: Gray with Red hearts

Favourite Food: Cookies & Tea

Favourite Colour: Red

Status: ???

A being who appears in people's dreams. It's said that if you encounter her in your dreams you will be plagued with bad luck for the next week, unless before you go to sleep the next day you put a vase of flowers on your bedstand. She loves flowers, and they're often found floating around her. Due to her, it's considered nearly mandatory to tell someone about your dream the other night.

Story: One night, a unlucky girl fell asleep and awoke in the dream world, to see Lady Marié approaching her. Now in dreams with her her friends had told her about, they were just in a empty white space, with her standing a little aways from them. She'd walk over, and they'd wake up before she can get close enough to touch them. Even in the dream world, the girl, Yume, felt as if it was real, as she had control over her body and thoughts. As Lady Marié approached, she got up, and realised she was getting far too close. Yume turned and started running away, when she heard Marié yell "WAIT!" To her, in a hushed and hoarse, yet beautiful voice. She turned to look at her, but it was too late. She found herself falling off a cliff she didn't even notice, and started falling into the below, which was covered in roses. She felt a sharp pain in her left-hand eye, one far too painful to be just a dream. She screamed and woke up, finding herself back in her bed. She glanced at her pillow, and found it.. Covered with bloodied petals? And her left eye, it felt quite irratated, and she couldn't see out of it. She got up and creeped over to the mirror on her bedside, to find that her left eye had been replaced with a rose and a few chrysanthemums, and petals were treading down her cheek, like tears. She wrapped her eye up and soon told her friends; And they fearfully told her that she had "The Curse of Lady Marié." They explained that said curse hits people who may not be able to run away from her in their dream with her in it. They'll wake up with their eye replaced with a rose, along with a random flower. It's only curable by leaving a vase on your bedstand, and then your eye should return within 2 to 7 days. That evening Yume set out a vase of roses and chrysanthemums and went to sleep. She had no dreams that night. As the next few days went by, she kept hoping that her eye would come back. When she met up with her friends again a week later, they were quite surprised to find out that she still had the curse. On the 10th day of her having the curse, she decided to set out another vase. The flowers in the other one had wilted on that day, but she decided to still keep them.

She then went to sleep, hoping for a dream holding an explanation. She found herself in some sort of seating room of a house. There were potted flowers nearly everywhere. The chair she was sitting on was quite comfy, and creaked when she tilted over. The room had some sort of black and white taint to it. She heard some clacking, sounding like dishes rubbing together, and waited, not quite ready to get up yet. She saw a pair of hands holding a tray pop up from a doorway, and watched this mysterious person walk over. She gasped, recognizing them as Lady Marié. She was carrying a tray with tea and cookies on it, and set it down on a coffee table then sat down on a chair near Yume's seat. Marié sighed. "I have a feeling you're quite confused, dear." Yume grumbled. "I sure am!" She sighed and leaned back. "I am as well. You're not supposed to have "my curse" for longer than a week. I guess HE has something planned for you." Yume cocked an eyebrow. "Who is HE?" Marié sighed yet again. "The ruler of the realm of nightmares; Nightmare. He's the one who brought me here; and honestly; you shouldn't know that. He may hurt you if he knows too much about me. But he's a evil being, and I have to obey him, or I get kicked out of this rather nice house. Or something." Marié explained, resting her head on one of her arms. Yume looked at her. "You surprisingly seem pretty cool." "Why thank you." Marié glanced down the hall. You should probably wake up soon, but you'll probably be visiting here whenever you sleep for the next while." "But how DO I wake up?" Yume asked. Marié thought for a moment. "I don't really remember; I haven't had a guest besides him in quite awhile. After thinking for a few minutes, Marié gasped. "I remember! I have a cookie jar of special cookies in my kitchen! Eating one of those should wake you up!" She exclaimed, running to the kitchen. Yume glanced at the front door while waiting, and noticed something in the window. Taking a better look at it, she realised it was a silhouette, staring at her with bright red eyes. Two sharp horns also adorned it's head. It knocked on the door, and then violently rattled the handle. Marié ran back to the seating room. She handed Yume a cookie. "Eat this, quick! He's here!" Yume bit into the cookie... And found herself back in her bed. That was quite an odd dream.

smol reminder bump <3

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smol reminder bump 💕

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