


5 years, 1 month ago


... My heart pumps that old red paint.


Species shapeshifter
Gender genderfluid
Pronouns he/they/she
Height ~ 175 cm
Age unknown

𝔉ionnbharr - or as he's more commonly known, Finchy - is a very laidback, almost lazy character. He seems to be two seconds away from falling asleep at all times.

He's a quiet and polite gentleman, who usually shies away from people and prefers to keep to themselves.

Nature and especially woodlands are very near and dear to him, and he'll spend countless hours just listening to birds sing and the wind blow. Finding cool trinkets to collect is a plus.

Despite being a generally very mellow and quite happy person, he will sometimes open his mouth and casually mention "the eyes" that no one else seems to notice.

  • Can shapeshift into any animal from the Cervidae family.
  • Any type of teeth - real or fictional. Sometimes changes this according to his emotions, other times just for fun or looks.
  • Any size or type of antlers - real or fictional.
  • Can have hooves or paws.
  • Can have tufted ears or not, it's your artistic choice.
  • Any type of hairstyle. Short, long, lion's mane, braided, mohawk, accessories...
  • Any type of clothing, as long as it's nothing NSFW. Can also be just naked, your choice!

Fun facts

  • Lorem ipsum.
  • Lorem ipsum.
  • Lorem ipsum.