Kojima Moukoku



Basic Info


My Hero Academia

Relationship Status



General Information
Name: Moukoku Kojima (固字麻 盲黒, Kojima Moukoku)
Gender: female
Age: 16
Sexual Orientation: hetero
Occupation: Student
Height: 159 cm
Weight: 46 kg
Hair Color: Green 
Hair Type: Straight
Eye Color: Greenish Yellow
Skin Color: Pale
Nationality: Japanese
School: U.A. High School
Class: 2-E (General Studies)
Distinguishing Features: None
Playlist: Mou's Tracks

Hero/Villain Profile
Hero/villain Name: Black End
Costume: WIP
Quirk: Blindness
Weapons: Kusarigama (chain-sickle)
Gadgets/Tech: WIP

Personality: Moukoku is a sweet, optimistic and caring girl. She is rather quite and soft-spoken, rarely raising her voice and petty much never becoming vulgar. Still, she isn't a shy person or afraid to speak up for herself or others if she deems if necessary. And unlike her sweet and kind appearance and demeanor might suggest, she has a core made of steel and the willingness to stand her ground against anyone.
She is something of an intovert, prefering to keep her personal life private and spending the majority of her time round a small group of loved ones, consisting of her family, her boyfriend and a handful close friends. Despite that she is a teamplayer down to her very bone and has no problem interacting or working with people outside of her small circle or even with total strangers. She might not be a social butterfly with an desire to always meet new people, but she meets everyone with kindness and the willingness to make a genuine attempt at listening and understanding other people's point of view, be it other classmates, stranger or even vigilantes or villains.
This even extends to situations where reasoning isn't an option anymore, if it ever was, because the situation has just excalated too much to resolve it peacefully. Still, Moukoku's dislike for conflicts is just too strong to not at least try it, even when she is usually already prepared for it to fail. Her knack for diplomacy and finding compromises that are acceptable for all parties involves make her usually the go to person for the people around her for solving any and all personal conflicts. But Moukoku really don't mind, because she likes helping other people and making their lives even a little bit better.
She is a cheerful girl, but despite that quite calm and collected, a mix that makes her often appear very nerly serene. It takes quite a lot to rattle her enough to make her lose her compose, especially in a negative fashion. So while it might still be relatively easy so make her blush or laugh/giggle uncontrollably, it takes much more to make her cry and it's nearly impossible to get her to flip out out of anger. 
That is not because she doesn't feel things like anger, because she doesn just like everyone else, but because she doesn't hold on to it longer than necessary. Instead she makes the active effort to let the more negative emotions go, because they won't help her or the people around her. She quick to forgive or feel compassion instead of anger/frustation and is always willing to offer anyone a second chance. This character trait often makes other people view her as naive and too idealistic and trusting, which Mokukou is very much aware of but doesn't plan on chaning any time soon, because she believes that there are enough people out there who could change if just given a chance to explain themselves and do better.
Surpringly, considering her attitude in regards to her ideals and beliefs, when it comes to other things, she can take criticism sometimes a bit too seriously. Even when it was said in a joking manner or when she knows that it wasn't meant personally, some remarks just stick and in those cases Moukoku is likely to turn those over in her mind for days and weeks on end. It's rarely this bad even when faces with harsh criticism, but it happens and tends to affect her usually cheerful mood noticeably the longer it goes on.
Moukoku, despite what her always calm and collected demeanor would suggest, tends to struggle quite a bit with making tough decisions, especially under pressure, out of fear of letting anyone down.
Likes: her family, boyfriend and friends, colder temperatures, getting her hair done, swimming
Dislikes: violence, conflicts, mirrors
Habits: Avoids eye contact or even just looking other people in the face in general.
Fears: Being unable to save people, Failure

Family: Medou Kojima (father), Fumiko Kojima (mother), Arashiha Kojima (older brother, Pro Hero 'False Edge' and co-founder of a fledgeling Agency of his own)
Romantic Interests: Jun Ketsuka
Friends/Allies: Tetsuki Hashou
Rivals: WIP
Enemies: WIP

Name: Blindness 
Description: It allows her to blind anyone she establishes eye contact with for 12 hours, but otherwise leaves no lasting effect on eithe her or her victims.
Strength: It takes only a second of eye-contact for her Quirk to take affect. It works through glass and other transparent materials and also via reflective surfaces like mirrors, glas or very polished metals. There isn't any limits as to how many people she can blind.
Weaknesses: Moukoku struggles with controlling her Quirk, because it is activacted by default and she often can't turn it off consciously. She can blind herself by looking into reflective surfaces. It doesn't work through video. Her Quirk can be cancelled and it's effects reversed by Erasing or Nullifying Quirks, like Aizawa's.
What age did you obtain it: 5
How did you obtain it: When she was 5 and people were already starting to believe that she was Quirkless, her Quirk suddenly manifested one day without anyone realising it at first. Only when she looked her kindergarten teacher in the eye and blinded her, people took notice. Moukoku was terrified because no one at that point knew if the blindness might be permanent, but when everything returned to normal only 12 hours later, things calmed down again. There were more than a few accidents after that where Moukoku blinded either the people around her or herself. The latter happened quite a bit more frequently, because it just took time to break the habit of looking at her reflection in reflective surfaces.

- Her name contains the Kanji for 'blind' (盲, mou) and 'black' (黒, koku)
- Her goal is to become a Pro Hero and work alongside her older brother at his agency
- She looks younger than she is and regularly gets mistaken for a middle schooler