Chisouchi Hayaka



5 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


My Hero Academia

Relationship Status



General Information
Name: Hayaka Chisouchi (衁繒蜘速吪, Chisouchi Hayaka)
Gender: female
Age: 15 (S1), 16 (current)
Sexual Orientation: bisexual
Occupation: Student
Height: 163 cm
Hair Color: Red
Hair Type: Straight
Eye Color: Yellow
Skin Color: Pale
Nationality: Japanese
School: U.A. High School
Class: 1-B
Distinguishing Features: None
Theme: Superhero
Playlist: Haya's Tracks

Hero/Villain Profile
Hero/villain Name: Haya (current), Fuma (later)
Costume: WIP
Quirk: Instant Travel
Weapons: Senbon and needles, throwing knifes
Gadgets/Tech: WIP

Name: Instant Travel
Description: She can teleport herself between any markers created out of the iron in her own blood. As a side effect she is also able to create iron objects out of her blood in the first place.
Strength: Her teleportation is instantaneous and needs no cool down before she can jump again, meaning there is no limit on how fast she can get beyond her own reaction time. Because she herself doesn't need to do anything but concentrate on it, it is literally impossible to capture or imprison her without disabling her Quirk first. She can carry objects or even living beings along with her when teleporting. Her Quirk can also be used as a last resort move to create weapons or other iron objects.
Weaknesses: At the moment Hayaka still struggles with four major drawbacks of her Quirk, namely 1) the blood loss and resulting dizziness if she uses up too much iron, 2) the pain every time her created objects pierces her skin (the reason she prefers to make needles over literally anything else), 3) the disorientation and nausea when she jumps too often in too quick succession and 4) the fact that she can't carry much with her when teleporting without losing consciousness because of sheer exhaustion. 
What age did you obtain it: 4
How did you obtain it: The first half of her Quirk, the forming of metal out of her blood, was discovered on accident when she cut herself when she was four and in the blood laid a small needle-like piece of metal. Her mother was overjoyed and, assuming that it was a Quirk similar to her own, put away that small metal piece as a keepsake. A few weeks later it became apparent that that wasn't the full extend of Hayaka's Quirk, when she girl suddenly vanished in front of her mother's and grandmother's eyes. But before both had even time to panic they heard Hayaka crying from the next room. Rushing in they found Hayaka sitting there, looking confused and scared but unhurt, and clutching the piece of metal in one of her hands. After that it took a lot of trial and error on Hayaka's as well as her family's part to figure out how her Quirk worked.

Personality: Hayaka is a rather shy and timid girl. She is introverted and often struggles with meeting new people or just interacting with strangers at all. In those situation she tends to fall back on the manners she was taught as a child and so appears overly stiff and formal and just very awkward. Because of this it also takes her some time to warm up to new people and become comfortable around them. But once she has gotten close to someone she can be very clingy. She is also noticeably more relaxed and lively around her friends and family.
Hayaka is a pessimistic girl by nature, but without becoming cynical or bitter over time. She still tries to hope for the best but always expects and is prepared for the worst outcome. She has a rather low self-esteem and opinion of herself. That is in big parts because she has problems seeing/recognizing her own strengths and so tends to downplay her own abilities. Not out of some (false) sense of modesty, but because she really doesn't think that she is all that great. And it has to be said that she has enough weaknesses that she struggles (and still more often than not fails) to overcome, like her problems with new people and her general fearfulness. Her low self-esteem also becomes painfully clear in the way she refers to herself as a coward and often puts herself down in a seemingly joking manner. She believes that if she can laugh about herself then it will always hurt much less when other people do the same.
She is aware that she really hasn't the best personality to become a Pro Hero, that her hang-ups with strangers and her timid nature are probably as far from the typical hero as one can get without straying into villain territory and that those should quite honestly disqualify her. But she still wants to become a Pro Hero to save and protect other people and to make the world a better place, even just the smallest bit, as naive as that may sound. And at least in her book it's better to have tried and failed than having to live with the regret of never having tried at all, which is honestly also the only reason she applied at the U.A. in the first place, she didn't expect to be accepted but didn't want to regret the rest of her life that she didn't even try.
All in all her mind sometimes just works against her and the things she wants. That is also why she can't let herself think too long about any decision she has or wants to make, because otherwise her brain will just pick out the flaws and problem with all option she has and she won't be happy with any decision she makes in the end. So instead she deliberately avoids overthinking anything by avoiding thinking about the topic at all until it can't be avoided and then making a decision in the moment. It might be less well-informed and thought through than the alternative would have been, but she tends to be happier this way. This method of avoiding to think about unpleasant things until it absolutely can't be put off any longer, doesn't just apply to decisions either but to anything she feel uncomfortable thinking about, chiefly among those thing being the future.
Uncertainty is quite honestly one of the things that scare her the most, which is why thinking about the future anymore than absolutely necessarily is something she avoids, even if caused her problems more than once already, her graduation from middle school being the most recent example of this, when she avoided thinking about what she would do afterwards until way too late. Because of this she also only really feels comfortable when there is something of a daily routine she can adhere to. Though is also has to be said, that despite her choosing avoidance and deliberate ignorance as her way to deal with things, Hayaka has a backbone and at the end of the day will complete any task given to her, no matter how little she wants to or how much it scares her, and won't try to weasel her way out of it.
Likes: books, history and the past, romance, high places, stargazing, routine, spiders
Dislikes: strangers, violence, cowardice, sudden loud noises, speaking in from of people, group projects, changes in plans
Habits: She has the habit of leaving her needles everywhere she thinks she might need or want to return to at some point. This includes the houses/apartments of all of her family members, the U.A. infirmary, a few hospitals she visited over the years, the agency her mother works at among others. This habit also applies to people. 
Fears: uncertainty, the future

U.A. Sports Festival Arc
After the sport festival is announced, Hayaka doesn't accompany the handful of her classmates who go to confront class 1-A, thinking that this kind of behavior is a bit silly. Though she does meet up with Momo on a later date and both girl talk about the upcoming sport festival among other things.
The next two weeks she uses for training and preparation and despite her lingering apprehension, Hayaka is very much looking forward to participating in the event. Which makes it only that much more painful for her when she catches a fever and collapses only two days beforehand. With that she proves herself her own worst enemy again, because is was only her rigorous training that left her exhausted enough for the infection to hit her this badly. So instead of participating like she planned, Hayaka is forced to spend the day at home under her aunt's care and can only watch the live broadcast on TV.

Vs. Hero Killer Arc
Now recovered from her sudden bout of illness and back in class, Hayaka is just as excited for the workplace training as her classmates. A few of them still complain that so few of them got nominated because of Bakugou and Todoroki, but fall silent when Midnight enters the classroom and starts explaining the importance of picking a good hero name. After being given task to come up with a (temporary) hero name, Hayaka struggles quite a bit until settling on 'Haya' for the time being.
The rest of the week the question of which workplace to pick is a frequent topic in the class. But only at the day the workplace training is supposed to start, Kendou realizes that no one actually asked Hayaka where she will go to train. But when she goes to ask her at the train station, Hayaka waves the question with an embarrassed smile and the explanation that she will just work at the agency her mother works as well, but doesn't offer any actual name.
A short time later she arrives in the Tokyo metropolitan area and continues on to her workplace of choice, which is revealed to be Best Jeanist's hero office, where she is greeted by her mother in lieu of Jeanist himself. One of the sidekicks explains to her that another student is also doing his workplace training here and that Best Jeanist is already dealing with him. But despite being told that, Hayaka is shocked to come face to face with Bakugou, who is just as surprised. He demands to know what she's doing here, since he didn't see her at the sport festival and so she can't possibly be nominated, and gets reprimanded by Best Jeanist for being too rude, before Hayaka politely, if awkwardly introduces herself. After that Bakugou more or less ignores her, more focused on his internship than on any schoolmate of his, something that Hayaka is immensely grateful for since he scares her a bit.
She hears about the Hosu Incident and the capture of Stain in the news and while she is relieved that he is caught, the way he is portraited in the media and how people view him weights heavily on her mind. But when she mentions it to them, both her mother and Best Jeanist tell her that they share her concern but that there isn't much they can do right now besides staying calm and not acting rashly.
After the workplace training is over and everyone is back at the U.A. Class 1-B is talking about their respective experiences, at which point, due to a slip up on her part, Hayaka's workplace also comes to light much to her classmates astonishment. When asked how she managed to work for the No. 4 Pro Hero when she wasn't even in the sport festival, she abashedly explains that her mother and Best Jeanist are coworkers and good friends, which is why he knows her.

Final Exams Arc

Forest Training Camp Arc
Hayaka arrives with the rest of class 1-B half a day after class 1-A and quickly start her own training alongside the other students. She focuses mostly on building up stamina and dealing with the disorientation that sets is when she jumps too often in too quick succession, which results in her teleporting all over the training area and crash landing more than once during that. In the evening she helps her classmates cook dinner and uses the time between dinner and going to bed to get to talk with Momo again, since they didn't see each other much recently with the final exams only just behind them.
The next day is mostly just a repeat of the one before, with her training her Quirk and later making dinner alongside her classmates. Afterwards, when the students of class 1-B are told to hide in the woods to scare the students from class 1-A, Hayaka goes alongside her classmate Hiryu Rin, both having decided to work together. Thanks to Hayaka's teleportation, scaring their fellow students is rather easy and both have fun in doing so.
They get a handful of students before noticing a strange smell like something burning, which worries them enough to go and see what is going on. Both are lucky that they are far enough away to keep from passing out from the gas unlike some of their classmates. The sense of dread only grows stronger when all of them hear Mandalay's message. Hiryu attempts to convince Hayaka to go ahead and teleport herself back to base. This leads to an argument because Hayaka is completely unwilling to leave him alone just to save herself and insists on walking back alongside him. 
Their hushed argument continues and both are distracted so much by it, that they are taken completely by surprise when they are attacked by a Nomu. Hiryu, the target of that first attack, gets critically injured and Hayaka only barely manages to sling his arm over her shoulder and drag him with her as she stumbles back. She keeps backing off, still staring at the Nomu in front of her in complete and utter terror while Hiryu nearly pleads with her to get away and leave him, since he is bleeding out anyway, which she still refuses to do. When the Nomu lunges at the pair, Hayaka in a moment of complete terror and panic instinctively teleports away and drags Hiryu along with her. 
Both reappear in an emergency room two prefectures away, Hayaka passed out before she even touches he ground and Hiryu still with life-threatening injuries, but unlike his classmate still conscious if only barely. He manages to give a short explanation as to what happened before finally passing out himself. And while both of them are receiving treatment, one of the nurses makes a call to the U.A. to verify what he was told and if so inform the school where both students ended up.
By the next day both students are still resting but on the way to recovery; Hayaka still asleep but set to wake up sometime that day and Hiryu already awake and mostly recovered thanks to the healing Quirk of one of the doctors working at the hospital. Their transport back is also being organized by the hospital staff and the U.A. When Hayaka finally wakes up sometime in the early afternoon, it is to the gratefulness of Hiryu for saving his life and the worried texts of her classmates. Both talk about what happened in an attempt to get this whole chain of events to make some sense and after checking the news are horrified to see the protests outside of the U.A. and hear that one student was kidnapped.

Provisional Hero License Arc

Hayaka is the youngest child of the Chisouchi family, a rich and quite well known business family. They rose to fame by producing and selling high quality, silk-based fabrics that are used for Hero outfits and other other combat related clothing. And in a society so dominated by Pro Heroes, fabrics like that were and still are in high demand and the family gained wealth and influence very fast. As the youngest child Hayaka was more or less expected to take part in the family business when she was older, but while she was willing to do so she also wanted to become a Pro Hero, like her mother was, more than anything else, because she wanted to help other people. Her family was always supportive of her dreams, but many outside of her small circle doubted her ability to follow up on those plans, given her shy and timid personality, which was so very unlike any successful Pro Hero.
She became friends with Momo early in life, because her mother was friends with the Yaoyorozus and often took her along when visiting them. During those visits both girls were usually told to go and play together, since they would only become bored by the adult talk. 

Family: mother (Chisouchi Ikai), absent father, maternal aunt and uncle, maternal grandmother, maternal great-grandmother, maternal great-uncle
Romantic Interests: Momo Yaoyorozu (unrequited crush), WIP
Friends: Momo Yaoyorozu
Allies: Class 1-B, U.A. High School
Rivals: WIP
Enemies: League of Villains

- Her name contains the Kanji for 'blood' (衁, chi), 'fast' (速, haya) and 'to move' (吪, ka)
- There are some rumors about a curse haunting the females of the family, since none of them seem to be able to hold a steady, happy relationship for any length of time. Hayaka's great-grandmother divorced her husband after spending years stuck in an unhappy marriage, her grandmother was widowed three times over (and was the reason the Chisouchi females are sometimes called Black Widows), her mother was left by her boyfriend shortly before Hayaka was born and her aunt is caught in a downward spiral of unrequited love and utter self-hatred for it. Hayaka herself really isn't too impressed by this alleged curse (or the black widow thing) and honestly thinks these are just coincidences, since divorces aren't that rare and losing your partner through death nowadays sadly isn't either.
- She isn't really good at coming up with plans of her own but is damn good at deconstructing them and finding flaws in already existing ones, in big parts due to her tendency to overthink things.
- She got into the U.A. through official recommendation by Best Jeanist
- She ended up as additional student in class 1-B because of an logistical error on part of the U.A. staff.