


5 years, 1 month ago


Created as a Detroit Become Human OC.
(Not an android, though)

Personality Tidbits

  • Is constantly putting herself into dangerous situations. She tries to approach everything in a way that leads to the highest chance of success, and the best outcome, but some of her “stunts” are more reckless than her family are comfortable with.
  • She’s good at lying, and bending the truth. She’s had practice with it since she was 10, so she’s had years to get good. Her favourite method of lying is to keep it as believable as possible—she’s very much of the “Insert true facts in to make it seem more believable” school of lying.
  • She’s not really used to getting “good news,” so she can get blindsided by something, if things start going her way. A sort of “No way” disbelief, that can make her freeze up for a moment. Conversely, if things start going to shit? She doesn’t break stride. She’s used to it.
  • Doesn’t feel a lot of shame or embarrassment for her actions. She’ll insert herself into a conversation she’s not a part of; she’ll beg for her life if she thinks it will help; she’ll suggest something that sounds ludicrous, with a shrug of her shoulders, etc.
  • Generous with people she’s close to, even to her own detriment.
  • Doesn’t know how to lean on other people, emotionally. She’ll ask for help with something mission-related, but when it comes to personal stuff… she deals (or doesn’t deal) with it on her own.
  • Loves to joke around with other people. Poke and prod them, and verbally give as good as she gets. But she’s rarely the one to initiate that sort of “back and forth” snark. 
  • Feel free to add little props to the art you do of her! Things like an umbrella, for example. This isn't Heavy Rain; we know what umbrellas are.
  • She has two alternate outfits (see "gallery" or "view more" and scroll down)