


8 years, 1 month ago


Name: Marcella (pronounced maar - sELL - uh) Marcella means warlike, martial, and strong it could also mean young warrior.

Nickname: Marcie, she prefers to be called Marcie over Marcella.

Age: 22

Species: Alien - Oni created by Mitsupon!

Gender: Female

Appearance: Marcie has a short blonde to light red ombre. (It's not quite red, not quite pink!) Her skin is a light purple and she has two horns, one on either side of her head. Her eyes are different shades of red. She has two fangs and pointed ears. She has three piercings on each ear. Her tail is purple and the end of her tail is in the shape of a cats head and it has a little cat face on it.

Personality: Marcie absolutely loves cats. She used to be very generous and kind to everyone. That was until others started taking advantage of her kindness and generosity. Marcie is sometimes she's a little snippy with people she doesn't like. She cares greatly about her friends, but ever since Marcie realized others were taking advantage of her she changed. She didn't want people to see her as weak. She's still very caring about her friends, but she is also very misunderstood. She is also very rebellious now.

Clothing: Marcie wears a headband with cat ears on it. She has two hairpins, one is white and has a cat head on it and the other hairpin is red. She's got three earrings on each ear, two are double cartilage earrings and they are black, the other earring is a white earring on her earlobe.(This is the same on the other ear!) She wears a red ribbon necklace. Marcie wears a Letterman's jacket, the base part of it is red, with black pockets and the sleeves are white. Her jacket has a cat head on it on the front and on the back under the numbers 09. She wears a bra like top that is black under her jacket which is always open. She wears denim shorts that the pockets hang below the bottom of and she wears a black belt. She wears blueish gray stockings that have a few tears near her knees, but at the top of her stockings there is cat face on each one! Her shoes are black and white sneaker wedges.

Pet: Marcie has a little demon cat buddy! His name is Joey and she's had him for as long as she can remember. He's very docile, but he's also very playful. Oh and did I mention that he can talk?