Judas Valbella



5 years, 22 days ago


Maroon 5

01 — Profile

Name Judas Valbella
Nicknames Jude, Jay
Age 428
Gender Male (he/him)
Height 5'3
Birthdate Late Winter
Race Dunmer and Altmer
Orientation. Gay
Occupation Advisor and Writer

Status Complete
Designer @ Toxiguts
Worth $?
  • Has long pointed elf ears

  • Has a resting b*tch face constantly

  • Has double vampire fangs

  • His build is small but toned

  • His eyes glow a fiery color

  • He has several scars over his body. Most prominantly, 1 along his jawline and 2 along his shoulder

  • His has been broken several times, seen in the scarring

02 — Personality

Postive: Calm, Intelligent

Neutral: Elegant

Negative: Vain, Blunt, Standoffish

Judas Valbella is a complex character, embodying the duality of an elegant yet acutely vain nature, mixed with a potent blend of intelligence and a calculated coldness. His demeanor is often seen as standoffish or aloof, leading many to regard him as arrogant or unapproachable upon first meeting. This exterior, however, masks a deeply protective side that he reserves for those few who manage to earn his trust and loyalty. Despite his blunt, often biting communication style, Judas possesses a keen intellect and a profound sense of strategy, both in political arenas and personal interactions. His life as a vampire has not only endowed him with fearsome powers but has also sculpted his worldview into one that values strength, cunning, and the ability to survive against odds, often leaving little room for warmth or indiscriminate kindness.

  • Violence

  • Debates

  • Politics

  • The cold

  • Lounging around

  • Ignorant/Stupid people

  • Hunting

  • Being suddenly touched

03 — Background

His life

Over the centuries, Judas has cultivated a life that reflects both his complexities and contradictions. As a freelance writer and court advisor, he finds himself occasionally bored with the monotony of his roles, yet he thrives in the cutthroat political environment that allows him to wield his intellect like a weapon. His love for debate and disdain for ignorance drive him, fostering a persona that can oscillate between charmingly persuasive and sharply dismissive. This vampire’s aesthetic flair and meticulous nature are mirrored in his personal style and living arrangements, though his financial habits reveal a penchant for living beyond his means—a risk he seems to embrace with the same gusto as his nocturnal adventures and treasure hunts. In essence, Judas is a creature of the night who is as complex as he is conflicted, always navigating the fine line between his own desires and the harsh realities of his eternal life.

His childhood

Judas Valbella's early life was steeped in tragedy and isolation from its very inception. Born an only child whose birth tragically resulted in his mother's death, he carried an immense burden of guilt from his earliest days. His father, overwhelmed with grief and unable to forgive the loss of his beloved wife, harbored a deep resentment towards Judas. This emotional chasm between father and son cast a long, chilling shadow over Judas’s formative years, filling his childhood with loneliness and a desperate craving for acceptance and love. Their already strained relationship reached its nadir when Judas was tragically transformed into a vampire—a condition deeply frowned upon in their elf lineage as a perverse deviation from their revered mortal essence. Viewing this transformation as a profound disgrace, his father disowned him, cutting off all ties and casting Judas out into the world. This ultimate act of rejection solidified Judas's resolve, shaping him into a being of cynicism and fierce independence, qualities that would define his complex existence for centuries to come.

Cutting of hair and Taboo

When Judas Valbella was disowned and cast out from his home, he took a drastic step to symbolize his severance from his past and his elf heritage—a heritage that now viewed him with disdain due to his vampirism. In a defiant act laden with symbolic meaning, Judas cut his hair for the first time, shearing it to shoulder length. Among elves, cutting one's hair is more than a mere physical act; it is a taboo, viewed as a dishonorable rejection of one's lineage and a visible sign of turning one's back on their cultural and familial legacies. By cutting his hair, Judas not only rejected the world that had rejected him, but he also embraced his new identity as a vampire, setting himself apart from the traditional values of his people. This act of defiance was a turning point, marking the beginning of his new life as an outsider, both to his kind and to the wider world, forging a path that would be uniquely his own amidst the shadows of his eternal night.

04 — Trivia

  • A Secret Gardener: Behind his fearsome vampire facade, Judas harbors a love for gardening, particularly exotic and nocturnal plants. His residence in Solitude features a hidden garden where he cultivates rare night-blooming flowers that are as unique and mysterious as he is.

  • Fluent in Ancient Languages: He is fluent in several ancient and dead languages, adding to his role as a scholar.

  • Inventor of a Cryptic Language: Judas has invented a cryptic language that he uses in his journals and personal notes. This secretive script is a blend of ancient Elven scripts and his own design, ensuring that no one else can decipher his thoughts and strategies.

  • Old Maps Aficionado: He has an extensive collection of ancient and mystical maps.

05 — Relationships


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Nullam non laoreet erat, at rhoncus tellus. Aenean sodales, ipsum nec tincidunt rhoncus, tellus nibh dignissim ante, at facilisis nisl nibh bibendum massa. Vivamus eget turpis massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam convallis eros non cursus hendrerit.


In cursus nisi ac eros convallis, at fringilla purus laoreet. Morbi pretium gravida lacus, vel tempor libero interdum et. Integer pellentesque pretium dolor vel eleifend. Vestibulum ornare id eros id rutrum.

Nullam non laoreet erat, at rhoncus tellus. Aenean sodales, ipsum nec tincidunt rhoncus, tellus nibh dignissim ante, at facilisis nisl nibh bibendum massa. Vivamus eget turpis massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam convallis eros non cursus hendrerit.