


4 years, 11 months ago


GOTTA ADD SHIT TO THIS SORRY LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name: Silvio Francisco Amor

Alias: Siegfried/Sieggy

Age: 28

Gender: Male (he/him)

Sexuality: Gay

Race: Latino (Mexican/Ecuadorian)

Height: 6'4"

Occupation: Ex-demon hunter


Siegfried is a man who's rough around the edges, but possesses a good sense of humour. Though at first glance he appears to be somewhat spacey and all brawn, no brain, he's actually very intelligent and can outsmart most people, especially the demons he was raised to battle. 

Despite his tall stature and intimidating muscle mass, he's very friendly, empathetic and good at seeming non-threatening, and he tries his best to get along well with others. He's a capable fighter who is skilled in the use of mostly any weapon he can get his hands on (he prefers swords, though). When threatened, his composure may change at the drop of a hat and he can become very serious and determind as he outwits his opponents.

Siegfried flusters easily and is weak to any sort of flirting, especially from another man. He also tries his best to be patient, but is somewhat prone to becoming irritated when confronted with difficult, confusing, and bizarre situations.

Likes: Cute things, sweets, cuddling, his vast sword collection.

Dislikes: Getting totally owned, staying up late, commitment.


The Amor family is a very long line of demon hunters, renowned in the otherworldly community as a force to be reckoned with and a bloodline to not be trifled with. They are not known for this by the general population, however the powers at the head of the American government, who are indeed aware of the existence of supernatural beings as demons and angels as well as the undeniable existence of Heaven and Hell, have entrusted them to eradicate all demons from the country after hearing about them from the many governments of Latin America. 

From childhood, Siegfried was raised to use any means possible to trick his hellish foes into letting their guards down. He was taught to destroy these beings on sight and it was drilled into him that these demons are all cruel, unforgivable heathens and filthy sinners who deserve to be eradicated from the Earth for all time. However, as he grew older into his teenage years he began to have his doubts about the ethics of killing demons. Many of his foes were simply trying to live their (after)lives in peace and would only fight back when provoked. Of course, there were some truly evil ones who did deserve death, but they were few and far between compared to the ones who went to Hell for relatively harmless sins.

It took him until his adulthood, when an incident occurred where he let his guard down and was brutally beaten by a Wrath demon in its true form, for Siegfried to renounce demon hunting completely, distancing himself from the Amor family name. His parents shunned him and kicked him out of their home at the age of 25, forcing him to take himself and his possessions (namely his huge sword collection) somewhere else. He managed to secure a shabby apartment with what little money he had. The only member of his family who bothered to keep in contact with him was his younger brother Soi, who was aged 18 at this time, who occasionally stole money from his parents to funnel to Siegfried so he wouldn't go homeless (it's okay cuz theyre rich from demon hunting lmao). Siegfried kept in contact with several 'friends', however they usually tended to ignore his existence.

After being kicked out, he struggled financially, only being able to find the occasional odd job to support himself. He felt uncomfortable with relying on his younger brother to help support him financially, and spent his days praying for his luck to change. That is, until one fateful night, where had a chance encounter with Shock, the Prince of Hell. It was an event that would turn his life upside down...

Trivia: His favourite colour is blue, obviously. He has a younger brother named Sergio (nicknamed Soi). Spanish is his native language.

i just think hes neat :^)