


5 years, 1 month ago


Species Plush Bat
Age N/A
Gender None (any pronouns)

Taffy is a plush bat who likes to spread love and happiness. He's always giving out hugs and things like strawberries or little trinkets.

He doesn't really have a storyline or 'lore' to him as he isn't technically in a world with all my other characters. (maybe he's from another world altogether..?) Instead, he has more of a 'comfort' kind of character where he just has little tidbits and and factiods about him. That way he can be more flexible to anyone who needs a little love :).

  • Usually smells like sweet fruit, but can vary
  • Insides are stuffing, no gore
  • Longs to return home sometimes, but can't

Taffy doesn't know exactly who created him or how he 'came to life,' only that he was born with a deep desire to love and be loved. And while he finds it often, he still has moments where he feels as though something is missing deep within him. But he's optimistic and knows everything's gonna be ok for him- and for you.