


5 years, 1 month ago


🎭Chez Renaissance🎭

Better know as Maisy's manager for her concerts. He's a huffy, stubborn, and pushy lil' guy. Yeah, "lil", he's quite short for being 42. He and Maisy are polar opposites, which means they bicker a lot when it comes to her singing and concerts. It's often stressful for him to complement Maisy after her downgrading herself. Regardless, they're very close and have a tight bond.

Chez is an extreme workaholic and doesn’t take too kind to slackers, as well as Toons that refuse to take things more seriously when it comes to business. He often gets critiqued for being overly cog-like due to his stern ways, but most rely on him regardless because he knows how to get the job done. He has a HUGE passion for the fine arts and will argue and converse 'till ends meet about his interests in various classical paintings, music, and architecture. He is prone to ramble on and on about the importance of aesthetics and compositions made in art. But he’s very old school and isn’t too fond of today’s era of art, and has a disdain for most modern music.

He is deeply invested in Maisy as well as her success as an opera singer. He’s always by her side and the two are deeply close. However, he’s often irked at Maisy’s self-defeating tendencies and often lashes out on her in frustration to her bringing herself down. Chez believes Maisy is one of the best singers in Toontown and values his friendship with her , but it angers him greatly when he sees that she fails to see how immaculate her voice is and how special she is as a person. It’s often a strain in their relationship because he always praises her work, but Maisy always shuts him down, which is disheartening for Chez to say at the least…

As of now, Chez is married to his high school sweetheart whom he’s been married to for 27 years. His wife, Bailey von BoppenBark, is his rock and the two have a super tight bond. And every Thursday they bake cupcakes. They bake vegan ones, too. 



Name: Chez, Rez, Mr. Chezzers
Gender: Male
Zodiac: Gemini
 Toon Mouse
 Minnie’s Melody Land
Occupation: Maisy's Manager






"You got a job to do, I got a job to do, so let's cut the chase and get to business, eh kid?


  • Things going according to plan
  • Performance arts
  • Broadway
  • Italian culture


  • Cold coffee
  • Fake tabloids
  • Gossip
  • Name Droppers


💫Toony Trivia💫

  • Cannot eat Chinese food, gives him gas for some reason
  • A master at cooking Italian food; sometimes teaches Maisy
  • Can play 3 instruments 
  • Has a soft spot for cupcakes and HATES using them as gags

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  • Great leadership
  • Adapts to pressure well
  • Intelligent in the arts
  • Economical with his sources
  • Successful in managing priorities


  • Often grouchy
  • Bigoted against millennials
  • Easily stressed
  • Sometimes gives bad advice
  • Sometimes yells on impulse

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 Despite being her manager, Chez and Maisy have a very close-knit relationship. Not so much as like father-daughter, but uncle-niece. They love to talk about classical pieces and music history a lot in their spare time. Usually if Maisy needs some concrete advice, Chez is her go to Toon. And Chez is a cranky sort of a Toon and Maisy’s soft demeanor is helpful to get him to calm down in stressful situations. The two have a way of balancing each other out despite having a lot of agreements when it comes to musical arrangements. Chez gets justifiably annoyed with Maisy’s contestant sate of self-deprecation and often lectures her on how that can interfere with happiness and well-being. But it usually just turns into a foolish argument where the issue hardly gets solved. If anything, Chez thinks very highly of Maisy and believes in her fully. He knows she is a talented Toon and hates seeing her not give herself credit when it’s due.

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