⚔ Saythatagain



5 years, 1 month ago


Saythatagain is technically a Kenku. A very colorful Kenku.

She was kidnapped from her Kenku/Aarakocra tribe as an egg - sold as "payment" to a mob boss from someone in her tribe. To fantasy mafias and politicians, she was valued as a messenger for her ability to repeat secret words, phrases, and letters throughout the world. She took up the class of Bard of Lore to disguise herself as a passing bard while she traveled, taking messages here and there. 

Accompanying her was Dane Stoneshoulder, a human fighter-rogue. He had been the one sent to take her from her nest as an egg, and became her foster dad. He has always felt regret for what he did, and was hoping to do right by her by taking care of her they worked under mafia rule.

Dane and Saythatagain were ambushed while travelling; Dane was kidnapped, and Saythatagain got away. With no current messages to ferry, she is currently travelling and searching for her mentor.

Saythatagain is known for being resourceful and favors Vicious Mockery.