
8 years, 1 month ago




Species: Nyroi (c) Shiranova

Age: 15
Birthday: 07.10
Height: 1,50m
Weight: 46kg
Hair color: turquoise
Eye color: scarlet

Relations: none so far 

Profession: thief

Personality: discreet, kindhearted, cheeky, playful, dishonest (mostly towards strangers), smug, skillful

Likes: having company, shiny things (so shiny that even he can see them), caves, homemade meals, mother figures (since he never really had one)
Dislikes: loneliness, water (he can't swim), sunlight (if it's too bright), girls who are taller than him, people who tease him because of his appearance (since he's pretty feminine)




Ara never belonged to the lucky ones. After his mother gave birth to him, she immediately abandoned him and left him close to a human village. Not much time passed before he was found by an old couple who had so much compassion for this poor little creature that they took him in.
Raised for ten years by these fine people, Ara grew to be a cheerful and happy child -but this peaceful life shouldn't last for too long. One day a bunch of bandits attacked the village and burnt everything down. Ara's foster family unfortunately died during the process of rescuing him from the bandits who succeeded to kidnap him in the end.
Held as some kind of hostage, Ara lived together with those bandits and as time passed, he even grew found of them. Now he's part of their group and helps them sack towns and mug the rich.