


5 years, 1 month ago


Alexander is one of my favorite original characters and I am used to draw him a lot, so he has changed a bit over time. He started as a shared character with a friend, but ultimatelly ended up as a separate OC. Nowadays he is part of my story, Under Red Skies, because I love him too much to not include him in somewhere.



  • Name: Alexander (The protector)
  • Species: Non-human [Forest spirit -European Lynx-]
  • Age: ??
  • Gender: Male-looking, actual gender is uknown; his voice isn't overly deep or high-pitched so it also doesn't refer to gender.
  • Height: 1,95 m. (He's a tall boi)
  • Weight: 98kg.
  • Bodytype: He's made for strong upper body strengh, but he's also quite lean. Wide back and strong forearms with a small waist. His hands and feet are quite big, porportionate to his body. He's quite hairy; his arms and legs are covered in dark fur up to his shins and forearms, his chest-hair grows in a pecto-sternal pattern and connects with his happy trail. He's able to grow a full beard but prefers not-to.
  • Hair: Auburn color with light green highlights. Hairsyle is straight with curved upward tips. Usually the lenghts of his haircut doesn't surpass his shoulders.
  • Eye color: Pure emerald green. With slight yellow undertones. Cat-like pupils.


  • EARS: Alexander's ears are akin to those of a lynx, big and rounded, with hair tufts on the end. They are a darker shade of brown than his hair and present green marks that glow in the dark/when using his powers. their size surpass his head height. 
  • SCARS: Alexander presents a variety of scars, the most prominent one is a crecent shaped scar that covers half of his face; it curls around his right eye and goes over his nose bridge. The second most prominent one is a starbust scar situated on this left forearm similar to a gunshot scar. He also has a small scar that curves around his right clavicle and another long scar that goes around his lower back. 
  • FACE MARKINGS: Alexander presents two black lines that run from the bottom of his eye to his mandible. This is a trace that accentuates when he transforms into a feral lynx.


Alexander is a nature spirit that guards an ancient forest from harm. The growth of human populations surrounding the forest has started to stengthen this sanctuary and thus a physical manifestation of it's will made him come to be, know as the Mother. 

Alexander takes care of the growth of the trees and the creatures that inhabit the area and is often used as a messenger from the Mother spirit.

He is rarely seen, but habitants surrounding the forest warn foreigners to respect the trees and the nature. Multiple sightings green-eyed lynxes and the dissapearances of poachers and demons keep the legends alive.


  • Alexander's physique and face shape are based off Jared Padalecki, he's a gentle giant with a constantly confused puppy face.
  • Alexander is kind of clueless regarding human interaction, he totally despises clothing and won't wear anything unless completelly necessary.
  • Alexander is often seen together with other creatures, he has a special fondness towards deer and wolves.