
5 years, 1 month ago


"Behind these violet eyes, a fire. No price or power can ever satisfy"



Female . Tiefling . 25

1.74 M
About 65 KG


Created: 27-4-2019


Seems quite friendly upon first interaction but has a more condensending, sassy side to her. She is strong-willed, generally not very loud but can be chatty. She works as a bounty hunter for her patron, killing those who owe him their soul. She's bold, doesn't have much shame and has a moral compass that is skewed at best but she is also loyal: She protects her followers and friends in battle. Lilith avoids getting dirty as much as possible, this is made easy by her ability to levitate at will and she will use that ability for any and all situations where it can give her some extra flair. It is not uncommon for her to spend that extra piece of gold on more stylish clothing so that what she wears isn't just practical but also actually looks good. She is very determined to reach her goals.

Visible or invisible, her imp familiar Cat is always nearby. See Cat and Lillith is not far behind.

Her story

Lilith grew up in a small household with just her mother. She never knew her father and her mother refused to tell her about him. When she was older she started looking for a patron to help her grow stronger, specifically looking for a patron that could satisfy her need for a father figure. She made a pact with a fiend and became a warlock. The magic that was granted to her by her patron ties in with the devilish nature of her patron: they cause confusion, help her hide and cause fire, necrotic or eldritch damage.

The purple gem she wears around her neck is her spell focus and allows her to cast spells without needing components. Just before casting spells she will briefly touch the gem which will glow slightly in response. When she casts fire spells the fire shows up blue, the extremely hot flames igniting even the most resistant of foes. She has the ability to turn invisible in dimly lit areas as long as she doesn't move as well as the ability to change her appearance at will, she uses this mostly when she has to disguise.

Pinterest board/clothing inspiration
