

23 ✦ Female ✦ Vigilant



Oriel is a very down-to-earth Cham, with a very elusive nature. She prefers spending her time tending to her saffron plants and finding unique ways to flavour different foods. Although she has a much more civilized way of living compared to other feral Chimereons, Oriel does not favor living with society, and would much rather reside in nature. She has a difficult time sojourning outside of her home due to her horns, and paw pads dragging attention, so she feels the need to stay vigilant when in the deeper neck of the woods. She absolutely despises unwanted attention (or any at all) due to previous interaction with being hunted for her rare gold traits.

(Worth $50 ($30 Gatcha roll + $20 in upgrades/comms)


Oriel is a medium sized (3'11" all fours) Mammalian Chimereon. Her fur has little white glitters in it which are most noticeable in her black and pink markings. Her horns are much more shiny than the average Chim's since they are made of solid gold. Despite her irises and pupils also being reflective and gold-like, her eyes are completely healthy and this trait is not a detriment to her eyesight.


"Variety is the very spice of life that gives it all its flavor."

  • Saffron
  • Experimenting with food
  • Things that glitter
  • Natural trails
  • Keeping her burrow tidy
  • Big cities
  • Cut down trees
  • Tourists 
  • Unwanted attention
  • Open fields


Despite Oriel's solitary nature, she doesn't mind spending her afternoons playing with Junebug. She's definitely a lot more loud and reckless for Oriel's liking, but she appreciates it when Junebug gets ready to spit venom to protect her- even from the smaller less threatening enemies. It never ceases to make her smile when Junebug gushes over her home cooked meals.


Oriel really appreciates quiet time with her tiny friend as Zipper knows that she fears of unwanted attention from others. It was awkward when they first became friends as they couldn't bond over their usual activities with one being domestic and the other feral, but they figured out how to have fun despite that. Zipper will sometimes bring small vials filled with spices from the farmer's market for Oriel to try out.

 profile html by Hukiolukio