C-99/ Quetzalcoatl



5 years, 3 days ago


C-99 is a fallen priest with the ability of mind control and deception. They are thousands of years old and used to be near the top of the hierarchy, but they developed a god complex, wanting to be worshipped just like the Dictator. They descended to Earth and claimed to be a god named Quetzalcoatl, making use of their mind control abilities. They promised to grant wishes in exchange for being worshipped. When other priests found out, they have decided to punish C-99 with a fate far worse than death, but C-99 has already fled far away to a distant corner of the universe and is nowhere to be found up to this day.

They may be still alive and helping to form the rebellion against the cruel Dictator and the hierarchical system, however there is no confirmation as they haven't been seen in over a thousand years.