


8 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


The Glassmaker




his brother, Brokkr, and thousands of his creations that he vaguely considers children


god? dwarf? we just don't know


harold, he's gay


Eitri feels emotions like mountains - they're big, and they've got staying power. He's a very static fellow, befitting his nature as some kind of immortal or other. Truly changing his mind about something happens on the order of a decade, at the fastest. Unsurprisingly he comes off as suffocatingly serious.


Most of his free time is spent in lonesome contemplation of everything that's happened to bring his life to the point it's at now. So, not really.


"I had shown them my kindness and been rewarded with spite. What was a soul, to them? Nothing like it really was, just diamond dust that only I could gather into glittering handfuls. They thought it had permanency - only I can give permanency! They thought it had transcendence - only I can give transcendence! They thought it had value. I, too, granted their souls value!" - quote from This little bit of writing here

finally the Glassmaker himself gets a character page. he's immortal, he might be a god, maybe, he's not actually sure, and he's been trying to reconcile with his ex after a very messy falling out for a Very long time

so okay, our boy Eitri, he and his brother are two very mysterious sorts. they come to the Kingdom (back when it had a name), and end up visiting the King's court (back when he, too, had a name) and end up settling in there for quite a long time. Eitri dazzles the King with his creations, beautiful glasswork - the palace becomes a crystalline wonderland, over time.

the king and the glassmaker become enamoured of one another, over time.

and one day, it just hits Eitri - that the king is mortal. that one day he'll die, and that he doesn't want that to happen - and why can't he save the mortal he favors? why can't he have this, a happiness that feels too important to allow to be ephemeral?

so he, uh, does some shit*.

* - 'Some shit' would be: coalescing the souls of an entire kingdom's populace into big golden coins, sealing that kingdom away from the rest of reality (with his brother's help), creating countless bizarre glass humanoids out of the raw material of those coins to send them out to collect more, making near-humans to try and bust his ex out of a magic trap that populace made in revenge for what he'd done, completely failing at being an actual worth-a-shit parent instead of a faraway demanding god over and over and over -- geez, yeah, some shit!