


5 years, 4 months ago


NAME / Finley Carter 


 NAME   Finley Carter 
 AGE   26 
 RACE / SPECIES   Inflatable Pooltoy Rabbit 
 GENDER   Male 
 ORIENTATION   Bisexual 
 OCCUPATION   Part-time baker 

Finley stands at about 5'4" with soft, grey and ivory vinyl skin, large, pudgy paws and an even pudgier stomach. Completely air filled, Finley has no need to eat or drink, but sleeping is still rather important to the bunny to keep the fluids that are stored in his inner walls flowing and moving when needed. He is not impervious to punctures or popping, but his body can heal small punctures over time.
His body heals as quickly as most humans do. Repairing a patch to cover the hole or leak, the fluids as previously mentioned work like a scab, filling the punctures space and sealing it, giving the vinyl time to heal over. Puncturing and leaks can hurt depending on size. He doesn't need to drink, but keeping a good water intake helps keep his fluids flowing. He's always known that his body worked in rather strange ways, but chooses not to question it too much. He's alive, isn't he?


Rainy days
Space/star gazing 


Small, tight spaces
sharp objects
Being alone
Loud noises 


Finley has trouble picking up coins of the floor due to his puffy paws.
Banana smoothies are his favorite drink.
He has a pink rabbit shaped balloon he calls "Bun Bun" As a friend.
He carries a satchel full of patches wherever he goes. 


Finley is very bright and outgoing. Not one to shy from a conversation, he enjoys long talks with strangers, and getting to know people. He's different, he knows this, and he also realizes that people around him tend to stare, so to counteract it, Finley likes to try to explain to others what he is, and help them get a better understanding of himself. Although he can find it hard to xplain sometimes, as he himself isn't too sure what really brought him into this world.....Yet.
He's also a very curious creature. His curiosity knows no bounds, leading him into some tricky situations at times. His naive-ness can cause problems with trusting people too much, so much that he often times gets hurt from it. But like a rubberband he snaps back, and does his best to not let things get him down. He has trouble remembering things of his past however, which can become troubleosme for his emotions. he's always drawn to a blank at his past, with only snippets of times when he was considered to be a teenager. It frustrates him, but it's a silent frustration he bears inside himself.


He always has a heart spot on his upper back.
His pupils have a heart eye shine in them.
He has four fingers, and three toes.
His white-ish underbelly is not white, but Ivory, a light yellow.


Beginning, Creation, Childhood.

**OLD BACKSTORY NEEDS REWORKING** Finley Carter was 5 years old when the accident that plastered the new for two weeks had occured. He was an excitable rabbit, one that his parents often found hard to contain the energies of. Finley always seemed to find a way to get into things he wasn't supposed to, or get into places he was told not to go, as most toddlers often attempted. His parents were busy folkes. His mother, Heather Carterage 34, worked down at the drug store as a physian, and his father, Richard Carter age 39, worked at a toy factory where they had been working on creating more likeable, more realistic feeling toys. Richard loved his job, as he knew every toy he helped make would bring a smile to a child's face one day. Finley, unbeknownst to Finley now, also had a sister named Alice, who was 7 at the time, and spent most of her time watching over him. Like most sisters, she found herself rather annoyed having to watch the rambunctious 4 year old, a slip up that would cost her and her family everything. On one summer afternoon, Alice, Finley and their father, Richard, were outside i ntheir front yard. Richard had gotten a call from work that he had needed to take, putting Alice in charge of Finley. "it will only be a second." he had told her. He'd only turned his back for a moment, and Alice herself, seemingly annoyed, had been grabbing up toys for Finley to keep him entertained while her father was preoccupied. But in that single instant, the little rabbit who had his eyes set on the neighbor's dog went running out into the street towards the neighbor's house. There was no real time to stop what came next, It happened in an instant. Finley was struck by an oncoming truck, Just as Alice had been making her way frantically to the boy. The truck had shattered Finley's tiny ribcage, severed plates in his spine, knocking the child into unconsciousness, already barely hanging on. He was brought to the hospital, where he spent 3 weeks in a coma, one that unfortunately, it seemed he would not wake up from. His father and mother, clearly distraught, fought with everything they could to ake Finley up, to bring back their son. Richard talked to friends, collegues, those who worked in the factory, scientist who had been developing creatures, trying to give life to these man-made creations, to give children a toy that could think and live without the need of feeding or caring for them as a pet would. Richard was desperate. Finley's body was but a shell now, he was no longer there, and he was running out of options. He enlisted the help of Dr.Foresman to try and see if they could make him a new sort of body, a form that did not need to eat or drink or sleep, a form that would forever prevent their son from being hurt again with the help of stem cell research. They worked day and night, using stem cells, mixing compounds with the strange, vinyl-like substance they had been experimenting on for their own creatures. It was risky, and it was something Finley's mother would have never wanted for her deceased son, which was why Richard kept it a secret from his family. All he wanted was his son back, it didn't matter how or what he would become, he wanted his son to come home. But like their past failed attempts, it wasn't working. Finley was gone, it had seemed. the Doctor, his assistances and Richard packed the project up, sealed the remains of the substance they had created in cryo freeze and had forgotten about it. That was, until one day, the substance had seemed to morph and mold and grew a pulse that shocked Foreman. Finley's new form was growing, becoming alive, almost like being rebirthed into a new being. It was so incredible that Foreman's original plan of giving Finley back to his family was abandoned, and Finley was kept imprisioned in their facility to be tested, having pieces of his vinyl body being pulled for research and to see if things grew back like human skin did. several other beings were made in that time, the first of the line of creations that the scientists had attemptedto use the liquid that secreated from Fin's body. Deemed a failure, the bunny clones were destroyed, all but one whom Finley had bonded with and was allowed to keep. Bun Bun, is the name Finley had given it, as it was easy to pronounce. He lived many years in the facility, living a life of small cages and dark rooms, being taught by the facility workers there while being abused by others.

Teenage years to now.

At his 16 years of age, Finley had managed to make his escape. He doesn't remember how the escape had happened, but his pink bunny companion did. Bun Bun is connected to Finley more than he realizes. Though Bun Bun cannot speak, he can use Finley's body as a gateway to speak and move while the rabbit sleeps, and in an effort to save both of them, the pink creature forced the unconscious rabbit's body to attack one of the staff members there with a pen Finley used for drawing. The pair left, and made an escape out one of the fire exit doors. Finley ran for as long as his legs could, before Bun Bun, who had been partially controlling his movements, missteped and Finley had ended up cutting open his leg and waking the rabbit up. He was loosing air and the world became blurry, the last few fleeting moments from Fin's vision being a blurred form enclosing around him. He had woken up later on in the evneing inside the cozy house of Mrs. Mariah Strawthorne. the 62 year old tookcare of him from age 16 to 20 before she had passed on of an illness. Finley doesn't remember the trauma of being born, a much kept secret of Bun Bun, who has silently aided in helping him supress his memories for fear of the truth hurting him mentally and physically. Now at he age of 26, Finley lives with Gunner, a man he met at a museum who quickly became his soulmate, in a cozy suburban home near the beach of their town, Farwood.



 Main AU: Finley's boyfriend of around three years.Currently working as a marine on a huge space station, they mostly video chat but every few months they are able to see one another. He cares deeply for his big tiger man. 


 Alternate AU: Finley's Fiance. Finley adores Gnarg. An unexpected romance blossomed during a drunken evening at a bar, and they have been going strong ever since. 

Bun Bun "Bee"
 Comfort companion

 Bun Bun is Finley’s longest running friend. However, Finley doesn’t realize that Bun Bun is sentient, and thinks of him as a soft, sweet comfort object. 

 Love Interest 

 Alternate Crack AU: As silly as it sounds, he had a very close relationship with Kratos from another realm. Another unlikely pair that grew fond over one another after having been forced to be in the same home as one another.  


Space and the calmness of the night is his aesthetic.'s aesthetic here