Ames Calistorph



5 years, 1 month ago


- Basic Information -
Full Name: Amethyst Calistorph

Alias: Amethyst, Ames

Nickname: Miss Cold Shoulder, 

Title: Frozen Vampire, Duchess of the Tundra, Cold Keeper

Gender: Female

Species: Anthropomorphic/European Hedgehog

Age: 25

D.o.B.: 29th May

Sexuality: Straight

City of Birth: Spagonia

Currently lives: Holoska

Languages Spoken: Spagonian English, tiny bit of Holoskan, 

Relationship Status: 

-Physical Appearance-
Height: 3' 9" (1.14m)

Weight: 83 lbs (38kg)

Hair colour: Frosty Blue

Eye colour: Sunflower Gold

Fur colour: Frosty Blue

Hairstyle: Fringe is swept to the right. Locks of her on the side of her head curl upwards. Her long hair behind her head is curved outwards, then curved down towards the tip.

Tail: Short.

Tattoos: None.

Piercings: None.

Scars/distinguishing marks: 

  • None.

Frequently worn Jewellery: 

Smoker/Drinker: Nope / Has built enough tolerance to take a few pints.

Drug User? Which?: No

Addiction(s): No

Allergies: None

Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: Short-sighted (minor)


  • Indecisive: Don't ask her to make a decision. She will spend a long while wondering which of the options will favour her greatly, adding more of her own ideas as time progresses. It is easy to persuade her so as long as one knows what she wants.
  • Narcissistic: Her beauty is her pride. Anything to tarnish her looks will be frowned upon. She is unfazed by any foul remarks towards her looks, believing that they are only spouting such language because they are jealous. She wouldn't mind helping them achieve a level of beauty similar to hers, but that's if the individual is cooperative.
  • Prim: Firmly believes that manners define the individual. Thus, she makes an effort to maintain a good impression to others. She drops this guise when faced with a threat, but not enough to lose the calm demeanour. However, scaring her through means of a surprise can make her fearfully aggressive to the one responsible.
  • Cheerful: She's proud of her achievements, and she will make sure that everyone in her vicinity is aware of this.
  • Extrovert: Not the shy type, Ames enjoys the company of her friends and allies. It's good to have fun, especially when one lives in the cold north, far away from luxuries that can only exist on earth rather than frost.
  • Egocentric: She places herself ahead of others. This leads to situations where she'd save herself, sometimes abandoning her companions if it meant stalling whatever threat that's after them. She swears that she will return eventually to help out, but until then, she must achieve calm or she can't use her powers properly.
  • Opportunistic: If there's something that she wants but she is unable to obtain it through "nice" means, she will resort to "other" means to get it. She isn't the type to let opportunities pass by, so expect her to try and send someone else to obtain her desires.

Likes: The cold, crystals, jewellery, pineapple, hesitant boys, wind instruments, jackets, singing, club parties, photography, orchestral instrumental pieces, mint, classical texts, 

Dislikes: The heat, her short-sightedness, putting on spectacles/contacts, whenever people ask if she's cold, jump-scares in general, 

Favourite/Disliked Food: Hot spicy curry / Sea salt in general.

Favourite/Disliked Drink: Apple juice with aloe / iced lemon tea


  • Ophidiophobia: Fear of snakes, including anthropomorphic ones.

Hobbies: Swimming, ice skating, collecting fashion magazines, snowboarding, astrology, karaoke, photography, reading romance novels, 


  • "Ah, you must be the boy that Charles has spoken of in our many conversations. I'm Amethyst, pleased to be of acquaintance."
  • "

Team Info: Primarily acts as Speed; capable of fulfilling Skill or Magic role.


  • Skating: Comes as naturally as breathing for her. 
  • Mathematics: She can do big calculations fairly quickly, all of which is done within her head before she tells the other person how much they owe.


  • Ice Manipulation (Heat Absorption; Ice Skater themed): A variant of Ice Manipulation. She is capable of draining heat from one source and transfer it onto herself to keep her warm, leaving her target feeling cold as a consequence. This ability is more effective if she is in physical contact with her target. She can also use this to form ice structures of any shape she wants, such as creating weapons or environmental hazards. The humidity of the area that she makes ice structures in plays a role in the strength of the ice, ranging from brittle to sturdy. She is also capable of using this ability to propel ice structures from her at a hazardous speed.
  • Resistant to Cold: A consequence of her ability to manipulate ice. She doesn't experience the effects of frostbite or hypothermia like her allies would. Suffocation by ice is still a problem, so she's not completely immune to ice-based attacks.
  • Weapons Expert (Glacial Queen/Blizzard Ballerina Fighting Style): Due to the nature of her power, she can create various weapons with ice as a means of self-defence should foes get too close. She is commonly seen with ice structures that resemble spears, blades and claws.
  • Dexterous: Her powers have no homing capabilities. She likes to fling her icicle spears as if they were darts.
  • Dancer: She incorporates this into her fighting style frequently. She's observed numerous dances growing up, so she intends to make good use of this knowledge to instil grandeur on the field.
  • She is skilled at repairing vehicles that are suited for the cold. Any heavy work will be dumped onto the closest capable person she can set her eyes on.
  • Poet: She's familiar with a lot of literature. If she isn't singing to her heart's content, she'd be reciting poetry from her favourite authors.
  • Swimming: Thanks to her resistance to cold, she can swim in the waters around Holoska with ease.

Special Attack(s):

  • Quick Step: Basic skill. She leaps in a certain direction, recovering quickly so she is ready to perform her next action.
  • Perfect Guard: Basic skill. She blocks at the same time that the attack is about to connect, enabling her to deflect the hit and startle her opponent.
  • Flash Strike: Basic skill. She attacks just before an enemy's strike lands, enabling her to surprise her foe and hit them where it hurts most.
  • Heat Drain: Basic spell. At her will, she absorbs heat from a small area or person.
  • Skate: Basic spell. Amethyst's feet become enshrouded with ice. The soles are sharp wedges that resemble ice skates, enabling her to glide across surfaces with ease. Additionally, her skates causes frost to form on any non-ice surface it touches, so she doesn't have to worry about finding smooth surfaces to travel on.
  • Cold Pathways: Basic spell. Amethyst freezes the air in front of where she is skating.
  • Frozen Tempest: Intermediate spell. Amethyst drains the heat from a sizeable area and causes frost to form quicker than they normally would, even in an already cold area. Anyone caught in this zone will be pelted by snowflakes flying at rapid speed.
  • Icicle Shot: Intermediate spell. Several dagger-like ice are formed at the tips of her fingers. They are then released at her will, either they fly at her foes at rapid speed, or they remain suspended in the air until they are launched. They are created blunt to not draw blood, instead leaving a nasty bruise. They always shatter on impact.
  • Harrowing Blizzard: Advanced spell. Snowfall begins to intensify, rapidly burying anything in her vicinity. Anyone in flight in this zone would be forced into the snow, while those that try to resist it would find more snow on them. Any physical/magical strike/projectile aimed at her will be swatted aside with ease. Afterwards, Ames crumples from exhaustion, due to the amount of focus she needs to maintain this hazardous state.
  • Duchess of the Tundra: Enhanced Form. Once activated, her outfit changes regardless of what she was currently wearing. While in this form, she can summon ice structures at will, regardless of whether she has absorbed heat from the area or not. Ice summoned this way are flexible under her manipulation, almost as if it was water but is very solid and most definitely cold. She can also adjust the toughness of the ice at her whim. She is unable to fly while in this form, but her affinity for Ice and skating abilities enable her to travel considerately faster than her land-bound allies.

Ability to operate vehicles? Which?: Yes

-Family and Friends-
Parents: (Mother) (Father)

Is the character still in contact with parents?: Yes

Siblings: Two younger brothers.

Partner/Spouse: None.

Children: None.


  • A handbag containing necessities, usually in the form of makeup, purse, mobile phone, and a tin of mint.
  • A snowmobile she affectionately calls "Sundrifter" ("Sunny" or "Sun" for short).

Extra Info:

  • Despite her ability to absorb heat, she isn't completely immune to the cold. That said, she is very used to the cold environment, hence her skimpy wardrobe.
  • In regards to actual performing, she's got a bad case of stage fright. Because of this, she usually keeps her eyes closed during skating performances and imagine that everyone else are just carrots.
  • That said, she is commonly seen attacking her foes with her eyes closed. It's a wonder that she has not accidentally stabbed her friends with her icy structures.
  • Her father hails from Soleanna, while her mother is a local of Holoska.
  • She works at her family store, looking after its wares and keeping track of the monthly expenditure.
  • Her parents have no powers at all, so they're baffled how she's able to have such abilities. Her siblings weren't born with powers either.
  • In a way, she is her town's designated lifeguard by saving any clumsy tourists who had fallen into these treacherous waters.