Gabriel Leonhart



5 years, 1 month ago


- Basic Information -
Full Name: Gabrielle Leonhart

Alias: Gabriel

Nickname: Gabe, 

Title: Gaean Sentinel, 

Gender: Male

Species: Anthropomorphic/Kangaroo

Age: 25

D.o.B.: 23rd July

Sexuality: Straight

City of Birth: Empire City

Currently lives: Chun Nan (migrated there at the age of 7)

Languages Spoken: Empire City English, Chun Nan Chinese, 

Relationship Status: Taken

-Physical Appearance-
Height: 3' 8" (1.13m)

Weight: 83lbs (38kg)

Hair colour: Sandy Brown, with the tips having a darker shade.

Eye colour: Standard Green

Fur colour: Sandy Brown

Hairstyle: His fringe is parted at the centre; a majority of his hair is pulled into a ponytail behind his head.

Tail: As long as his legs, usually seen straight

Tattoos: None.

Piercings: None.

Scars/distinguishing marks: 

  • Two slash marks on his upper right arm; a bite wound on his lower left leg

Frequently worn Jewellery: A wooden pendant clasp, worn as a necklace.

Smoker/Drinker: No / Every now and then.

Drug User? Which?: No.



Any physical ailments/illnesses/disabilities: 


  • Conservative: Does not like wasting food, space and materials. But that's as much conservation that he will ever show.
  • Analytical: He takes his time to look over things before he takes action.
  • Patient: A laid-back individual. Believes that rushing others would  cause them to make more mistakes. And he does not like to see people  fall into horrible consequences because of their rash decision.
  • Sympathetic: He does his best to know how the other feels without getting too personal with them.
  • Charismatic: Easy to socialise with. He's not quick to judge someone  immediately based on their appearance, and does his best to make them  feel comfortable. Not the case when a mythical creature is within his  sights.
  • He is considerately hostile towards anyone who's species is of supernatural origins, i.e. dragons, demons, hybrids. He'll find any opportunity to claim and justify that they  are villainous and destructive, and a danger to everyone around it.  Makes a few exceptions, but that doesn't stop him from suspecting them  of ill intentions.
  • Does not hesitate to outright kill these mythical bastards when given the chance.
  • Believes that everyone has a reason for doing something. At least, those who aren't mythical creatures.

Likes: Music, nature scenery, pineapples, rock music, cleanliness, cappuccino, gingerbread biscuits, charitable acts,

Dislikes: Spiders!!, dragons, littering, other mythical creatures, leg injuries, loud vehicles, assignments and deadlines,

Favourite/Disliked Food: Pepperoni & Anchovies Pizza / Brusselsprouts

Favourite/Disliked Drink: Pineapple Juice / Celery Juice


  • Spiders!!

Hobbies: Following nature trails, playing the ocarina, swimming, reading books (past-time), collecting figurines,


Team Info: Primarily acts as Power; capable of fulfilling Speed role.


  • Whistling Charmer: Gabriel is capable of creating a wide array of whistle tunes. If he knows the song, he can certainly try to improv it.


  • Freestyle Hand-to-hand: Due to the nature of his powers, this skillset is a given for him to stand a chance against his opponents. Boxing is a part of his inspiration for his moveset.
  • Knowledge regarding Mythical Creatures: Just because he greatly dislikes them, doesn't mean that he knows nothing about them.
  • Strong Legs: Capable of allowing him to make incredible leaps. Also useful for sending opponents flying in a single kick.
  • Strong Tail: This part is also strong, capable of allowing him to sit on it if he chooses to.
  • Spirit Summon: By drawing powers from Light Gaia, he is capable of summoning a creature based on the type of powers that aren't active at that time. For example, if he has Bear Force active, then the creature would be an amalgamation of Lion, Vulture and Salmon.
  • Spirit Manifestation: Due to the nature of his powers, Gabriel is capable of manifesting the aspect of an animal upon himself. They can come in the form of body parts of the chosen animal, appearing only when they are utilised by the kangaroo. It is said that the totems are responsible for his powers, but there have been instances where he has summoned them without the totems in his possession.
    • Bear Force: Manifestations of a bear's paws appear on his hands and feet. This force increases Gabriel's strength tremendously, making him immune to flinching.
    • Lion Force: Manifestations of a lion's clawed paws appear on his hands and feet. Other than the ability to slash, he also gains a booming roar.
    • Vulture Force: Manifestations of a vulture's wings and talons appear on his back and feet respectively. He is capable of flight, gliding, and gains the ability to make a second jump after the first. He's also capable of clinging onto walls, even if there's nothing to cling onto.
    • Salmon Force: Manifestations of a salmon's fins appear on his limbs and tail. This force enables him to breathe underwater, swim through water with ease, and slide across the ground as if he was a fish in water.
  • One with the Spirits of Nature: Through concentration, Gabriel can view his surroundings under a different light, allowing him to see the recent tracks (less than one day old) of the creature he is looking for. His eyes glow blue during this state. He is unable to move while seeing the world under a different light.
  • He is able to communicate with animals.

Special Attack(s):

  • Quick Step: Basic skill. He leaps in a certain direction, recovering quickly so he is ready to perform his next action.
  • Perfect Guard: Basic skill. He blocks at the same time that the attack is about to connect, enabling him to deflect the hit and startle his opponent.
  • Flash Strike: Basic skill. He attacks just before an enemy's strike lands, enabling him to surprise his foe and hit them where it hurts most.
  • Leap-Stomp: With a powerful leap, Gabriel aims to land on top of his target. He is able to leap onto the next target should he choose to.
  • Axe Kick: Basic skill. Gabriel slams his heel with tremendous force onto his foes. He can use this impact to bounce off of his foes and begin his Leap-Stomp.
  • Airborne Assault: Requires Vulture Force to be active. So as long as his attacks connect with an opponent, Gabriel is able to keep himself and his foe airborne until he's ready to make the sucker kiss dirt.
  • Flurry of Claws: Requires Lion Force to be active. Gabriel delivers a rapid succession of attacks with his claws that it's difficult to tell if he's breathing. Dark Gaia creatures have been seen shredded into nothing after the attack ends.
  • Grand Slam: Requires Bear Force to be active. He slams the bear paws into the ground, creating a shockwave and knocking everyone in his vicinity into the air, including his allies.
  • Slip and Slide: Requires Salmon Force to be active.

Ability to operate vehicles? Which?: Yes.

-Family and Friends-
Parents: (Mother) (Father)

Is the character still in contact with parents?: Yes.

Siblings: No.

Partner/Spouse: Yoshika

Children: Planning to.


  • An ocarina: His favourite instrument.
  • Armored Gloves; Hands of Nature; Gaia's Reckoning; Wildking Cestus: A pair of fingerless customised gloves to aid in his fisticuffs. 
  • Beast: A creature that obeys Gabriel's commands without question. Depending on which Force Gabriel has chosen to activate, the Beast would only have three of the remaining unused Forces.
  • Statuettes: These are special to Gabriel. Only four are known in his possession, namely Lion, Bear, Vulture, Salmon. They may or may not contain any powers.

Extra Info:

  • Often times, he wonders how do his friends live with those monsters in the mansion.
  • His dislike for mythical creatures stems from an incident with a certain dragon.
  • Strangely enough, he isn't hostile towards Liu Jian and Nephele. The former is because the Eastern Dragon lacked destructive qualities, and thus became exempt, whereas the latter terrifies him, so he chooses to be her friend instead of seeing her as an enemy.
  • Works as a Forest Ranger at a nearby park reserve.
  • All of this spirit business runs in his mother's side of the family.