Marcello Fiore



7 years, 11 months ago


Profile CSS created by Wicked



"La Madonna when she speak she tell the truth, no? She's been saying I'll have a baby When he grow up he'll become a killer and kill everybody

Basic details (to be fleshed out later):
parents were young and silly and liked to travel. They met in some little village in a foreign country where neither of them spoke the language and bonded right away. Got married not long after, and made a lil baby Marcello in no time. They traveled for a while, but then his parents ended up getting into an accident and dying. Was shuffled off to live with his grandma, who worked for this shady organization and had no use for whiny little kids, so set to work immediately on training him to be quick and clever and most importantly for a child: fucking quiet.

played tennis in middle school, learned how to snap necks in the evenings. Played flute for a little while. Shy kid, never had a lot of friends, really bookish and messy looking. Somehow managed to get through high school juggling classes, extracurriculars, and learning how to kill men with his bare hands. Went on to college for a literary degree, decided that maybe he could just sell books instead of killing people, and things were going sort of ok until he learns that his grandma went out to do a job and got Royally Fucked Up, so now she needs all kinds of surgery and even after that she's going to need a lot of homecare. Things got knocked loose that were not meant to be knocked loose. she's having memory troubles and pain problems and honestly it'd be better to just put her out of her misery, and the organization is down to do that since she isn't useful anymore, but marcello is like "nah that's my meemo and you absolutely can't do that" and they're like "lol who's gonna pay for her care tho?" long story short he ends up taking a job with them so he can pay for all her treatments.

goes back to college in between his job. meets a girl there, and by some magic his awkward self managed to get her to date him. That went on for maybe a year and a half before she decided to dump him because he didn't pay enough attention to his appearance and just sort of seemed to be lacking in confidence. He, of course, is kind of irritated by that like. he's a fucking assassin he doesn't have to look pretty and he has confidence for days fuck her. So he decides he's gonna be superficial and shitty too and learns all about makeup and hair care and gets contacts and stabs himself in the eye a lot on accident and basically becomes the shallow flower we all know and love today. Somewhere in there he also dates a coworker but that doesn't work out because by then he's already adopted this frigid bitch persona and she's just not into that.

eventually gets moved to the city on a new assignment. He's there waiting for a big target to show up, and taking on little jobs in the meantime. There are apparently a lot of people in this city who want other people to get killed? that's really rude, dudes. Gains a passing acquaintance with Beacher over their mutual appreciation for tea, but it doesn't become a Proper Friendship until Dotty shows up, because somehow Dotty makes everyone his friend and Marcello is kind of ???? but he's cool with it. Saturday comes into the picture. Saturday seems to know things about marcello's grandma, who literally nobody here knows about. that makes him a Security Threat who Needs to Be Killed. Unfortunately there's no actual signs that he's working for anyone, he just happens to have some weird contacts. Some friends on the other side, if you will. Marcello eventually figures out that oh shit he was wrong to be suspicious of this guy, but he also just spent like a month being irritated by him and now he's mad because he doesn't have a reason to be mad anymore, and he needs an outlet for his aggression because honestly he's wound really fucking tight. It's good they're great friends.


「Name」 Marcello Leone Fiore 「Age」 26
「Alias」 Marcie, Cotton Candy Killer (by his coworkers), Bubblegum Bitch (predominantly by exes) 「DoB」 July 4th
「Gender」 male
「Sexuality」 bisexual 「Sign」 Cancer
「Nationality/Species」 Italian/Dainty (by kiwi-adopts/pajuxi)
「Occupation」 Assassin (main job), Librarian (cover) 「Theme」 X
「Likes」 romance novels
jpop/opera music (not at the same time)
candle wax
rose scented everything
small, fluffy dogs
the word "carbine"
「Hates」 goat cheese
city traffic
thick beards
those stupid tuxedo tshirts
metal music
p much everyone tbh


「Height」 5'4" 「Eye Color」 blue
「Build」 slim 「Hair Color」 neon pink
「Skin Tone」 light 「Hair Style」 long and straight
「Features」 light vitiligo on his right shoulder/hand, inner thighs, and lower back. Has a mole under his right eye as well.
「Style」 Wears pretty much entirely neutral colors, since he clashes with a lot of things. Will occasionally use dark blues/purples/reds as accent colors, but it's rare. Not a big fan of too many patterns on his clothes either. Generally wears long pants through most of the year. Probably wears sweatpants at home but he'll die before he wears them out in public.
  • usually frowning, any time he does smile it looks sarcastic/bemused
  • not entirely sure how those reading glasses stick to his face?? they just do.
  • he absolutely wears the piercing under all his clothes


Core Traits


「Disposition」 petty as all hell 「Color」 anything neon
「Behavior」 Cold/Aloof usually. Loosens up with his friends a little but he's still not especially pleasant to interact with. 「Flower」 Roses. Any kind of rose. If it's even so much as rose shaped he's in.
「Integrity」 He's as honest as he can be without putting himself at risk 「Animal」 poodle
「Boldness」 being bold is part of the job description to some degree, but it comes with a heavy helping of caution 「Season」 mid-autumn
「Flexibility」 extremely stubborn 「Food」 gnocchi and butter
「Sense of Humor」 dry/sarcastic 「Drink」 white wine, any kind


「Motivation」 support his grandmother however he can.
「Reputation」 well known for being kind of frigid and exceptionally petty. He's spent so much time relying on himself that he doesn't really know how to open up to people, so he pushes them all away.
「Conversation」 usually talks about books, mainly the classics. In certain online forums he'll debate anime, but never with anyone he knows in real life.
「Enjoyment」 reads a lot of magical girl manga as a guilty pleasure. Rides rollercoasters like it's his job
「Quirks & Habits」 Rubs his right shoulder when he's nervous, chews on every pen he's handed



saliva tastes like bubblegum

kind of clueless when it comes to tech that isn't related to guns

likes public transportation because it gives him time to think on his way to work, although he also owns a motorcycle

kind of a fussy mom-friend, always fixing hair/collars/tags that are sticking out. Doesn't even think about it just does it. Usually keeps bandaids and granola bars in his bag. Originally he was totally against being called "Mom/Momcello" but now he just accepts it. He can't win.

goes through a lot of shampoo

actually kind of hates the nickname "Marcie" since it's pronounced "mar-see" even though his name is pronounced "mar-chello" and it just doesn't make sense to call him that stop it that's not how his name is supposed to be said

Dotty still calls him Marcie on the regular and there's nothing anyone can do to stop him

loves amusement parks, and will ride a rollercoaster until he stops being excited by it, then moves on to the next one



Dotty Dunson

[ child close friend ]

To be completely honest, Marcello wanted nothing to do with Dotty. However, as with all Dotty related events, he somehow ended up getting roped into it against his will. They ended up bonding over roller coasters and the fact that Dotty doesn't judge him for his anime habit. Dotty is also behind the "Momcello" thing. Marcello spends a lot of time pretending that he didn't get a background check done on Dotty, and is entirely aware of his legal name and also the events that led to him moving to the city.


Bea Kiepler

[ unofficial brother ]

These two met via Bea's store, which Marcello frequented for a time before they became proper friends. He doesn't really get a lot of what Bea is talking about in terms of music or even basic interests outside of tea, but he respects the massive amount of responsibility Bea's taken on. Made the mistake of letting on that he doesn't really have much of a family and hasn't done a lot of "family stuff" and ever since then he's been invited to a whole bunch of Kiepler Family Functions, to the point where the youngest Kieplers consider him to be a weird relative.


Saturday Bells

[ nemesis ]

This fuckin guy. Marcello doesn't like him. He doesn't like his smug attitude. He doesn't like his spicy food. He doesn't like his pet chicken. He thinks all his magic is just fancy parlor tricks, and probably a dumb money grab. He was pretty sure that Saturday worked for a rival organization for a while and was totally down to fucking kill him, but then he found out that he was totally wrong and now he's pissed off because he doesn't have a reason to be pissed anymore. Pretty much the sole target of Marcello's aggression.