


5 years, 1 month ago


Name: Kerenza
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Current Age: Adult (Mental age: Around 17)
D.O.B.: July 19th, 2017
Form: Bipedal
Pet: Circe
Magic:  Basic Wind (diploma)
Group Upgrades: Elegant Hair (app), Ribcage Wings, Third Eye, Iris Rings, Flutter Ears (app), Teeth, Body Fluff, Fluff Tail, Sleek Tail, Noble Neck Fluff (1 2 3 4 5), Coloured Tongue, Coloured Sclera, Limb Fur, Smooth Mouth, Finger Paw Pads, Paw pads , Brow Changer, Pure Paws, Gradient (1,2,3), Unusual Shaped pupils (hearts), Whiskers, Thumbs (app), Streak Markings, Heart Stamp, Colour Mixer (app), Tint Changer (app), Add a Colour (app)


Personality: [ Proud, Demanding, Independent, Direct, Passionate ]

Kerenza is a foxy little wyngro who is currently trying to explore herself and simply have a good time. Sly and adamant, this ruby-pelted girl is willing to go to great lengths to get what she wants. Monetary wealth doesn't mean much to the well-off lady, but she is super greedy when it comes to love and men. If Kerenza has her eyes set on a good-looking guy, she is quick to act and stake her claim. She's rather easy to be around; unless you show interest in the same partner, of course. 

Although very hard to impress, Kerenza easily flirts to get what she wants. She's quite skilled at feigning interest when needed, but as soon as a wyngro has outlived their usefulness, best of luck even getting the time of day out of her. It's hard to tell whether you're making a genuine friend or if there is an ulterior motive when it comes to interacting with this sharp-tongued vixen. Either way, she'll be sure to make it a memorable experience. Only time will tell if she will wind up as a fond memory, or a distant nightmare.


Meeting new Wyngro: Quick to judge, very sly and confident in her approach. Not one to beat around the bush or waste time with wyngro who don't catch her interest. Tends to wear a devilish smile.
Being surprised: Loves surprises. Will fuck you up if you try to scare her though.
Being touched: She's one to touch first, so please do. If she didn't touch someone first, she might get snippy if they tried.
Actions when sad: Hides genuine sadness. Good at hamming it up when it comes to trying to get something she wants.

- Highly sensitive to criticism
- Hate when people touch her belongings without permission
- No interest in fine arts
- Very touchy when talking to people she likes
- Bites her lower lip when excited
- Prone to being destructive when bored or upset

Likes: Gossip, conspiracy theories, rugged men, seashells, smooth talking, socialising, being tended to, getting what she wants
Dislikes: Killjoys, slow events, being talked over, wynglings, bugs, unkept places or wyngro, seeing other people happier than her

Updated with new upgrades 12/2/17
Updated with new upgrades 02/25/19