Jun Neve



5 years, 1 month ago


Jun Neve

It hurts to know I'm alone now, and it's worse when I know that I chose it

Name Jun
Species Tiefling
Age 32
Gender Cis man
Orientation Bisexual
Alignment Chaotic neutral
Art yakowo
Mood board Here

Jun lives a life of prestige in a isolated, yet massive city in the far north. He lives only with his six year old daughter, Keva, who he took in after her mother passed away from illness. He spends most of his time overseeing counsels and court sessions, and throwing his money wherever it is necessary to keep the people happy.


  • Generous
  • Respectful
  • Confident
  • Cold
  • Authoritative
  • Arrogant

Jun is not known to be the kindest person, but nor is he a tyrant. Pettiness, elitism, and traditions irritate him, and he is not shy about expressing his dislike for other royalty. Ironically, it's this attitude and his isolation that makes him appear even more proud and self centered than the others do. He is even aware of this, but doesn't care to change his behavior. Despite this, he does seem to have a much kinder side that is seen in the way he interacts with his daughter, and how his staff seems to genuinely appreciate him.





He is skilled at playing many instruments, such as the piano and harp.

Light magic
He appears to have latent, ice based magical abilities that he will very occasionally use for mischief.

He is a very skilled writer, and the letters and speeches he writes are often deeply meaningful and elegantly phrased.

Despite being a difficult person at times, he is a very talented dancer, and knows many forms from a variety of cultures.


Jun use to live in the mainland of his kingdom with his family where he was given his own estate at a very young age. He lived a wild and hedonistic lifestyle, where he neglected his studies and failed to participate in politics. He spent his money recklessly, and was often shamed by his family for his behavior by spending more time with commoners than people of his own status.

Eventually, his closest companion ran away from him with no explanation, only to return a few years later with Keva. She revealed to him that she had become ill, and since she had no money or family, she begged him to take their daughter. Jun agreed to take Keva, however, his family nearly exiled him as a result of his actions. His companion died shortly after he took Keva into his care, and he was forced to very quickly make some changes to his life.

His parents begged him to give Keva away to someone else, but Jun refused. In return, they asked him to move to a city in the far north that was hopelessly isolated and in need of wealth. He was asked not to come back until Keva was fully grown. Jun agreed, and took a small team of people north with him to establish a new estate there with Keva.

At first the move was terribly frustrating and distressing, but Jun saw the needs of the locals and began to take responsibility for helping them. After a while he calmed down, and began to focus on giving Keva the best life she could have, and helping those in need.


  • He occasionally enjoys painting landscapes.
  • The cracks in his horns are filled with a magical, almost translucent metal.
  • He can be a bit of a trickster.
  • His horns are so heavy that they often give him headaches and neck pains.

HTML by lowkeywicked

Quote by La Dispute