| CandyFloss | Soko ⋎



5 years, 1 month ago




|| Soko || Male || 19 || 5'11" || Single || Candyfloss || Flavor - Trufflefloss || Clan - Nu ||

Soko was always a rather shy boy even as a small child, often keeping to himself and perhaps enjoying a good book. Growing up in such a sporty clan however Soko found himself drawn to soccer. At a young age he started getting into the sport through simply watching games on TV. Due to his shy nature and lack of friends at the time he often ended up practicing alone in his backyard. As time went on his parents would encourage him to join the school soccer team and push him to get out of his comfort zone so he could enjoy playing soccer with others and perhaps make some friends and come out of his shell.

For Soko getting to play for real on a team was a struggle at first. His skills with the ball were not lacking but teamwork was something he struggled with. It would take him quite a while to learn how to properly work with and communicate with his team but once he had everything sorted out he became a star player.

Throughout his schooling Soko continued playing the sport, even getting a college scholarship related to his soccer skills even though he was also an excellent student when it came to the regular curriculum outside of sports.

At the mere age of 19 the young trufflefloss has become a minor celebrity due to his skill in soccer but he's not really a fan of the spotlight. For Soko it was never about fame but simply the fun of the game and maybe finally getting to form connections with other people his age. He is still painfully awkward and shy with most people, an introvert that prefers a lot of alone time, however he has learned how to bond and communicate with his teammates and has a real passion for soccer. Even with the unfortunate growing fame being cast upon him he doesn't want to give up the sport.


  • Soccer
  • Reading
  • Hot Coco


  • Being the center of attention
  • Awkward social interactions
