


5 years, 1 month ago



Name Asuna
Called Sunny
Age Adult
Gender Female
Race Demon
Role Student | Grendel (Dance) / Performer
Zodiac Mirror

Asuna is charming to the point of manipulative and craves attention more than anything. She’s incredibly vain and readily envious, seeing others almost as possessions for her to claim. She comes across as serving as she wants nothing less than to charm everyone she meets. She's incredibly determined and doesn't respond well to being ignored or not getting what she wants. Asuna loves dancing and music and sees the dance-floor as a way to express her very soul (as well as a great location to seduce anyone who catches her interest). She's a talented singer and dancer and is known to deeply captivate her audiences.


  • Music
  • Being Perfect
  • Attention


  • Being Ignored
  • Serenity
  • Bigotry


Asuna was born with a song in her heart and a dance to her step. Her parents often say she was born to perform and fostered this talent from a young age. Like many talented children, Asuna was thrust into the world of constant rehearsals and the demand for perfection beyond her understanding. This sort of pressure tends to turn children bitter or vain, and Asuna was definitely the latter. She became obsessed with herself; put a mirror in the same room as Asuna and she'll be distracted for hours. Of course, she seemed to get away with her vanity by being completely serving and charming, always wanting everyone around her to love her and approve of every action she took.

Success at Academy

Asuna only attained average grades, but no one noticed due to her strong presence on the performing arts aspect of the academy. She always seemed to be given the starring roles and was developing her own interpretive dances and choreography by the time she was a junior. Plenty of people were either jealous of Asuna's talents or disgusted by her vain, manipulative behaviour, but unless those individuals were influential on the music and dance scene, she happily ignored them. Those she believed could better her career she quickly singled out and charmed, determined to get them to like her - and they almost always did. Unsurprisingly, she went to Grendel as soon as she was able to and is currently majoring in dance. Her aspiration is simple: to become the most beloved and popular superstar in Below. Easy, right?

Born for the Spotlight, not Family

Asuna graduated from university with ease, all of her lecturers awed by her stage presence and ability to woo anyone she desired. She was swarmed with performance opportunities the day after she received her papers and within a year was booking any gig she desired in popular clubs. People found it difficult to describe why she was so popular - after all, she was a solo performer who simply sung her own music backed by deep, heavy electronic music. Perhaps it was her revealing clothing or the physically captivating way she moved around the stage, but whatever it was it certainly worked for her. Within a few years of being active in the industry, Asuna had become a household name with her hit singles and booked out performances. Wanting to gain even more popularity, Asuna decided to imbue with a beautiful and established kumiho named Esme. The child she kept - Maple - has certainly sparked many tabloid articles and interviews, but much to Asuna's surprise she actually has come to care for and love her son, in a way one loves a treasured possession. She has tried to groom him to become a famous performer like her, but it seems her mild-mannered son is only interested in medicine and helping others; Asuna is confident in time she can help show him the spotlight.



Essurio [ Daughter ]

Asuna is one of Essurio's mothers who awoke her from her stone and cared for her as an infant. However, Asuna only imbued a stone to share what she considers 'her perfection' and had no real interest in raising a child. While she had maternal instincts for the infancy stage, Asuna quickly realised having a child may interfere with her dreams and so chose to leave her at the academy to be raised. Due to this, Essurio developed abandonment issues and believed that it was her fault asuna left. Asuna has yet to contact Essurio since, despite the hallowed nearing the end of her education.


Maple [ Son ]

Maple is the son asuna kept from her second imbuing. She only awakened Maple in order to appear to the public as a working mother and thus gaining popularity. After some time she realised she actually enjoyed having a child around to groom however she wished and she has become very pleased in his appearance and submissive demeanour. Her only concern is that now he is attending the academy, she has less time with him and may lose some of her control over her child. She hopes that their relationship will remain the same as Maple grows older and he never considers leaving his mother.


Cutie [ Familiar ]

Cutie is an exceptionally well-trained flitterat, perhaps due to Asuna's understanding of using incentives such as treats as behaviour manipulation. Cutie can do tricks such as sitting up, begging and forming shapes such as hearts with her tail. Whenever Asuna is at home, she allows Cutie free reign of her room, although the flitterat's preferred perch is always her owner's shoulder or chest. Despite the attention and love given to Cutie by Asuna, like all flitterats she grows easily restless and has been known to chew through some of Asuna's favourite outfits. Perhaps the little familiar needs a familiar of her own to keep her company.

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