


5 years, 1 month ago



Name Bourbon
Called Killer
Age Freshling
Gender Female
Race Infected Litch | Geist
Role Homeschool
Zodiac Scepter

Bourbon is one of the first stones to be awaken that is infected, along with her two siblings. Unfortunately the least responsible of her parents was the cannibal who had little choice but to raised the three infected children - there was no way they could join the rest of society. Bourbon is constantly fighting her inner hunger and rage thanks to her infection, meaning she tries to control everything she possibly can. Bourbon manipulates others through confidence and fear and has developed a rather disturbing interest in weapons and poisons. It is difficult for Bourbon to interact with anyone outside of her family as non-infected usually don't stray too near to the compound.


  • Challenge
  • Leadership
  • Order


  • Disobedience
  • Irresponsibility
  • Being Ignored


Bourbon was the product of a risk-taking and curious litch entering the infected compound and meeting Honey. The two of them produced three children, all of whom were themselves infected. Due to the inability for the cannibals to join society, Honey had no choice but to raise all three of the children themselves. They weren't upset by this and instead enjoyed the opportunity to mould three young minds to be just like them. Unfortunately for Honey, their lenient and do-as-you-will parenting style didn't result in a bunch of small Honeys, but rather in three somewhat troubled children. Bourbon has always struggled to fight with the inner hunger and rage caused by her infection, creating a rather disturbing child. She always sought after order in the chaos that was her life, controlling every aspect she possibly could. This didn't trouble Honey, who was used to only having order if someone else did it for them.

The Monster Within

Raised in isolation from society with only a small community to develop from, it isn't surprising that Bourbon's disturbing personality only got worse. She became increasingly more interested in weapons - particularly knives - although she hasn't injured anyone yet. The schooling provided by Honey is incredibly limited, seeing as the geist never did particularly well during their time at the Academy. Instead, Honey taught their children street smarts and how to be savvy in a tough world. Bourbon turned this knowledge more towards manipulation, leading others through sheer confidence and, despite only being a freshling, fear. She particularly enjoys watching her parent practice cocktail-making, fascinated by the alchemical side of it. Even as a child, Bourbon has developed an interest and aptitude in alchemy, although they tend to experiment more with posions than potions.

Unleash Terror

Bourbon is looking forward to the day where she has the skills to sneak out of the compound and see outside civilisation for herself - perhaps she'll bring some of her concoctions with her when she does.



Honey [ Parent ]

Bourbon's only guardian, Honey had no experience nor preparation for being a parent. Bourbon was mostly left to her own devices with Honey simply offering input and help when they felt it necessary. Despite this laid-back attitude, Bourbon respects her parent, wanting their approval and love. Bourbon is confident in their relationship and is certain that Honey is proud of her development - whether this continues to be true as Bourbon grows older is doubtful.


Gil Voidspider [ Father ]

The litch who snuck into the infected compound to learn more about them, Bourbon has had little contact with her father. Of course, this is more out of necessity than desire, and Bourbon thoroughly enjoys any time she gets to spend with her father. She often bothers him for stories about the outside world and hopes that one day he will stay and live with them.


Sukel and Meodu [ Siblings ]

Bourbon's twin siblings, Meodu and Sukel have always been closer to each other than they are to her. She acts non-plussed about this, but she is subconsciously bitter at this neglect. Bourbon has gone through an interesting development with her siblings; while she began their relationship trying to win their respect and admiration, she now tries to manipulate them with fear. Whether this approach is successful or not, it's most likely how their relationship will be during their entire childhood.

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