

Name Buddy
Called Bud
Age Freshling
Gender Male
Race Sluagh | Shade | Chimera | Litch
Role Student | Arkham
Zodiac Chalice

Despite a patchy upbringing and difficult home-life, Buddy possess an easy-going charm that helps him make friends when he pleases. Unfortunately, the freshling is usually to preoccupied taking care of himself and his home to actually develop meaningful friendships. This means Buddy can be emotionally distant and is certainly disenchanted with life, but anyone who's friends with Buddy will always have a loyal companion and ear to talk to. Buddy's primary interest and possibly future career goal is hairdressing, so he's always eager to meet willing test subjects.


  • Validation
  • Uniqueness
  • Independence


  • Boundaries
  • Jealousy
  • Immaturity


Jayden was never subtle as to how Buddy came to be - he was an accident, imbued when on any number of substances that seemed a good idea at the time. The young hybrid has never taken offence at this and is just grateful Jayden was even willing to raise him; the bartender hardly screams 'responsibility'. It was clear the carefree hybrid had no idea how to raise an infant so it was crucial that Buddy became independent as quickly as possible. When he was newly woken, he received more care from Jayden's casual lover Cherry - the hallowed was devastated that the hybrid imbued with someone else, but wanted to gain his affection by looking after his child for him. As he grew, Buddy became closer to Cherry than Jayden, but never considered either of them a parent; he describes himself as self-raised.

Growing Young

His father's lifestyle certainly didn't change with his presence, so Buddy was brought up around alcohol and substances in the mess of an apartment Jayden calls home. Seeing how immature and useless it made his father, Buddy was careful not to go near any drug. Some of his father's 'friends' that regularly came over were clearly unstable due to their lifestyle, instilling a fear of mental illness in Buddy from a young age. He especially became afraid of developing paranoia although, tragically and ironically, this resulted in some paranoid behaviour from the freshling. Buddy had to set up his own admission to the Academy, only asking Jayden to contribute where absolutely necessary. Between struggling with his own personal issues and organising his father's life, Buddy had little time for studies. Currently he is passing at his classes, but certainly isn't excelling.

Dreams of the Future

Buddy is too busy with his present life to truly consider his future, but he's shown an interest in his father's part-time job of hairdressing. Similar to his father, Buddy possesses an easygoing charm that helps him make friends where he pleases, although he tends to keep to himself at school.



Jayden [ Father ]

The father who raised Buddy, Jayden showed a surprising amount of responsibility by keeping the infant when awoken. The hybrid is by all accounts a terrible father, and he is fortunate Buddy is naturally savvy enough to look after himself. Buddy likes his father, but sees him more of a chum than a parent - he certainly isn't an authority figure. Buddy has no respect for his father, and while he has no ill wishes towards him, he's looking forward to obtaining his own independence from Jayden.


Cherry [ Carer ]

More of a parent than Jayden, Cherry has half-heartedly raised Buddy since he was an infant. He did little more than change diapers and provide sustenance, but Buddy is grateful for it nonetheless. Buddy sees Cherry as more of a father figure than Jayden, however that doesn't mean a lot - he perceives most of his teachers as more parently than his actual father. Buddy likes Cherry and enjoys his company, although he finds the hallowed's obvious desperation for Jayden's attention frustrating and sad. Buddy hopes to maintain a relationship with Cherry even after he's left his father.


Cassy [ Best Friend ]

Cherry's daughter who has been raised in a similarly neglectful household, Buddy feels a bond towards the hallowed. The two have formed a close friendship due to their parents' relationship and similar upbringings, although Buddy occasionally finds Cassy's domineering attitude tiring. He has confidence that they'll stay friends throughout their time at the academy and is glad he has someone he can actually rely on.


Scamp [ Familiar ]

Buddy found scamp hiding under some floorboards in Jayden's apartment alongside a small family of flitterats. Scamp was the only one brave enough not to flee when Buddy shooed them away, instead standing his ground and twitching his nose rebelliously towards the freshling. Buddy was somewhat taken aback by this brash attitude coming from a tiny rodent. Curious to see where this could go, Buddy laid out some food for the familiar, watching him come out to eat every day. After a few weeks of this, he built up the confidence to feed the flitterat straight from his hand. Since that moment, the familiar has grown incredibly fond of Buddy, and the hybrid sees him as a true pet.


Orion [ Familiar ]

Jayden brought home Orion one night after drinking with no explanation, simply gesturing at the familiar before collapsing into a drunken stupour. Buddy stared at the creature for a few moments, never having seen a bunyip in person before. He approached him cautiously, but Buddy quickly realised Orion was a big softy. Somewhat annoyed by the idea of having another mouth to feed, it took a while for Orion to truly grow on him; it helps that he and Scamp seem to get along like peas in a pod.

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