
5 years, 4 months ago



Name Miro
Called Snow
Age Young Adult
Gender Male
Race Imp | Baphomet
Role Model
Zodiac Chalice

Miro was raised with a world of expectations placed on his shoulders, his parents expecting nothing less than the absolute best from their child. He excelled in classes and developed a patronising demeanour, however he has a certain amount of charm due to always having his heart on his sleeve. Wanting some freedom from his parents, he has struck out in a career of modelling. At first it was just a hobby, but now it consumes most of his life, and he can't imagine doing anything else. Miro is always looking for connections in the modelling world, be it photographers, makeup artists or fellow models.


  • Attention
  • Freedom
  • Individuality


  • Jealousy
  • Competition
  • Monotony


Miro was raised by an entrepreneur and a university lecturer. His parents never allowed him to be anything but perfect, offering little affection outside the occasional praise if he over-performed. His punishments were strict and standards were high, causing Miro to often lash out at other children. He considered himself above his fellow students, but his rich parents and confidence gained him popularity despite his attitude. Without his parents around to guide him or provide him with validation, Miro developed vanity. He thought it was a form of loving himself when others wouldn't, but it was shallow and fed into his patronising demeanour. Despite some negative attributes, however, the hybrid wore his heart on his sleeve. His teachers enjoyed his honest and romantic tendencies, engaging with classes and excelling; others tried to profit from his success, and so Miro could have had an easy and simple schooling experience. Instead, however, his parents forced him to keep striving for more.

Photo Opportunity

By the time Miro graduated from the Academy, he had almost burnt out from the constant work and drive to succeed. Unsure of his future, Miro began spending all of his time going to social events and networking with other wealthy socialites. At one such event, a friend of a family friend approached him, commenting on his beautiful, silky fur. Miro was delighted by the attention, and after a few drinks he had signed several contracts for amateur modelling. At first his parents were glad of the attention their child was receiving and were delighted by how quickly he caught the attention of many photographers. As time progressed and he didn't apply to universities, however, some animosity grew between the family. After one particularly explosive argument, Miro finally left his childhood home to live alone and pursue his passion for modelling. Delighting in his new freedom, Miro has yet to look past his current passions, and appears content to pursue appearances in fashion magazines and billboards.



Fros [ Familiar ]

Fros is a recent gift to Miro, given to him by one of his photographers during a modelling shoot. At first the jackelope was merely part of the shoot - it was a forest theme, and involved a few trained familiars. Throughout the day Miro began to form an attachment to Fros, as she was particularly easy to work with and affectionate. After the shoot was over, the photographer included Fros as part of Miro's payment, noting how close the two had gotten. Since then, Fros often accompanies Miro to his shoots, and even occasionally gets into a photo or two.

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