


5 years, 4 months ago



Name Papillon
Called Butterfly | Papi
Age Young Adult
Gender Male
Race Kumiho
Role Community College (Childcare) | Daycare Runner
Zodiac Wreath

Papillon is as fluttery and unpredictable as his favourite animal - butterflies. His cheerfulness seems to have no bounds and he's always quick to make new friends. Of course his trusting nature makes him incredibly naive and he tends to be very sensitive. Furthermore, Papillon is often unfocused and indecisive, relying on others to give him direction. As a natural social butterfly, Papillon loves being with others and is especially fond of board games. He is currently running his own daycare as he loves children and their delightful and innocent cheerfulness - in his mind, even the grumpiest children are little balls of sunshine.


  • Children
  • Happiness
  • Games


  • Seriousness
  • Unfairness
  • Sarcasm


Papillon's family was one of the few that delighted at the idea of opening up the barrier to the outside world. Fortunately for them, their family was incredibly large and Papillon's many cousins were spread throughout the kumiho villages around the forest, allowing them to have quite a bit of influence. Papillon was the middle of three direct siblings, but his ancestors had always been incredibly family-focused so relatives - both close and distant - helped raise him and were raised with him. Papillon's family's estate was always bustling with activity and the young kumiho revelled in the socialisation, particularly enjoying spending time with all the young children and their fun games. Papillon's mother often expressed how proud she was at his caring nature and ability to look after the young ones, providing quite a bit of a relief for the adults.

Leaving the Forest

When the barrier was opened, the excitable Papillon immediately volunteered to leave the forest to investigate the world of Below on behalf of his family. Of course, being the large family it was, dozens of his aunts, uncles and cousins were also eager to go, meaning the young kumiho would have plenty of support should he want it during his travels. Having always been one to enjoy crowds and being surrounded by people, Papillon was drawn to the bustling demon capital of Asphodel. His family had sent him with a small fortune - a family as large as his tended to accumulate wealth - and he was able to rent out a relatively large apartment in the outskirts of the city. Some of the cousins that had come with him asked why he needed such a large space and he shocked them with his plans; he was going to open a daycare in Asphodel, run straight out of his apartment.

Starting a Business

It didn't take long for Papillon to set up the space for a child-friendly daycare centre in his home, the only difficulty was attracting 'clients'. He got mixed responses due to his history; while some parents were encouraging of their children to learn about the kumiho, there were others who were hesitant to leave their children with a race they knew nothing about. Fortunately his cheerful, friendly attitude convinced most parents that their children would be in good hands with the kumiho. Papillon has only been in Asphodel for a few years but has already established a relatively successful business, loving every day he spends playing with the kids and helping them with their problems, both school-related and their social issues. Still, it felt like something was missing in his life, and it wasn't until he was playing with the children one day he realised what it was; a child of his own.

Starting a Family

Papillon hadn't found a partner during his time in Below and had no real interest in doing so - he didn't want to get into a committed relationship just to imbue a stone - and so he had a hesitant fling with a hallowed named Julian. He had enjoyed Julian's company well enough and was happy to have him be the other source of magic for his child. While it was hard for Papillon to even let someone else walk away with a stone he had imbued, he immediately cherished the stone he had kept - Abella. He constantly assured her she was the most precious thing in the world and, to him, this was entirely true. He poured all of his attention into her and was delighted to bring him into his 'workplace' so she could play with the other children. He never noticed any flaws in his daughter and was thrilled when she showed excellence in her schooling, even picking up the hobby of the violin.
Papillon wants nothing more than to have Abella be his darling daughter forever, and only time will tell how well he adjusts to her growing into a young adult.



Abella [ Daughter ]

The child Papillon chose to raise from his imbuing with Julian, he is completely enamoured with Abella. Papillon believes his daughter to be the most intelligent, beautiful and charming individual to ever exist, and he frequently tells her so. He pours so much love and affection onto her that he is blind to her faults and to her constant desire to prove her worth to him. Papillon cherishes Abella more than anything else in his life and will undoubtedly find it difficult to watch her grow and, eventually, become her own woman. Instead he focuses on the present, spending as much time with her as possible, constantly spoiling her with gifts and treats.


Marcellus [ Child ]

Abella's sibling, Marcellus has been raised by Julian. Papillon also loves his other child, but he certainly hasn't formed as strong a relationship with Marcellus as he has with his daughter. He gets to see his other child frequently, both because he insisted on this and because Julian leaves Marcellus at his daycare when he's at work. The kumiho loves this time they can spend together and hopes his relationship with Marcellus grows stronger as they grow older.

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