


5 years, 1 month ago



Name Sabera
Called Little Bear
Age Freshling
Gender Male
Race Fallen | Dryad | Baphomet | Kirin | Elf | Sluagh | Geist
Role Student | Eldritch
Zodiac Staff

Sabera always feels a little out of place. He consists of over half a dozen races, so he doesn't feel particularly attached or drawn to any of them. Furthermore, he was raised in the 'wild' by his father, meaning he didn't have any contact with civilisation or large communities until he was sent to the academy. He's not exactly isolated and he does enjoy the company of others, he's just socially awkward due to a lack of practice and exposure. Sabera's major drive is to learn about anything and everything, although he's definitely most interested in history. He enjoys teaching others, either in a 'tutoring' role or just offering little bits of information when he can. Sabera is known to spend a lot of time simply being in nature and observing it, occasionally playing his harp to the sounds of the wild.


  • Learning
  • Problem Solving
  • Teaching


  • Limitations
  • Monotony
  • Humour


Sabera was raised by his father Avalon in a grotto far away from civilisation. The young hybrid loved his life in nature, holding no qualms in living in a cave despite Ten's - his other father's - desire to live together in a home. Even from a young age Sabera scoffed at the idea of technology, placing Avalon on a pedestal and admiring his connection to nature. Sabera's friends were the animals of the forest, his entertainment was staring at the nature around him, taking influence from its harmonics to play his harp - one of the few items he had from 'civilisation'. Sabera was always an intelligent and curious child, loving nothing more than to explore his environment and discovering new things about the world. He delighted in showing his father new species of mushrooms he discovered or learning about the heritage of all the different races inside him. Then the devastating day came when his father delivered the worst news the freshling could imagine; he was going to be sent to the demon capital academy to study.

Leaving the Wild

Sabera's respect for Avalon was greater than his anger at the situation, but only slightly. Instead of throwing a tantrum, the hybrid curtly agreed to the proposition and felt he had little choice but to move into a dorm in Asphodel. He loathed his first few months at the academy, escaping the campus as much as possible to surround himself with nature - he found no solace in the children around him and was embarrassed by his confusion towards a lot of their technologies. After this time of self-pity, however, he began to realise the opportunity that was before him; he had always loved learning, and here was a whole new world to learn about in an environment that practically insisted you do so. Sabera threw himself into his studies and immediately began to top his classes, despite his teachers all being put-off by the serious and socially awkward child.

Longing for Home

One of the topics Sabera has most keenly studied is that of other cultures and races, interested in learning about his heritage. As he started to delve into such studies, however, he began to feel a knot form in his stomach. He had over half a dozen races within himself and after learning about all of their differences, a fear began to grow that he was going to split apart one day. Sabera keeps this fear to himself, of course, never one to show weakness to others. While Sabera has begun to find positives in living in the city, he always looks forwards to his trips home, particularly to see his role model Avalon. Sabera currently has every intent to return to living apart from civilisation as soon as possible and doubts this desire will change as he grows older.



Avalon [ Father ]

The hybrid who raised him, Sabera sees Avalon more as a role model than a father. The young hybrid always placed his father on a pedestal and wants nothing more than to emulate his way of living. Even after spending time apart when Sabera is at the academy, the freshling constantly looks forward to seeing avalon and his respect and admiration for him has not diminished. Surprisingly, Sabera doesn't blame Avalon for sending him away and holds no resentment towards him for it.


Ten [ Father ]

Sabera's other father, Ten is far more in tune with civilisation than his partner. Sabera blames Ten for negatively influencing Avalon, believing he is trying to pry his idol away from nature where he belongs. This may be an unfair assessment, but only time will tell if growing and maturing will help Sabera accept his more civilised father.


Ignis [ Familiar ]

Sabera spotted the torti hiding in a bush and found some solidarity, he himself feeling rather lost while trick-or-treating. To his initial dismay, the familiar followed him from house to house, and Sabera grew increasingly concerned. He was surprised that his teacher allowed him to keep a stray from the streets, but Sabera was no stranger to animals. After he accepted the torti as a new friend, he found it comforting to have a part of 'nature' with him, reminding him of home. Ignis is slow and wise, like most of his species, but seems to have a small inner fire when he wants it.


Aurum [ Familiar ]

Sabera found Aurum on a pamphlet on campus; it was a stray that had been abandoned by a family who bought her for the novelty of the new species but didn't realise the responsibility that comes with them. Sabera was immediately moved by the pamphlet, hating to see any creature suffer - especially at the hands of 'city-dwellers'. He adopted Aurum on a whim, but realised quickly he couldn't keep a bunyip on campus. He loved the creatures, but they were far too large and clumsy for the small dorms, and he had no choice but to take her back to his family. They lived in the forest and were happy to look after aurum while Sabera was at school, but he always looks forward to heading home to see her. Aurum always seems delighted when her friend returns and undoubtedly the two look forward to when they can live together once he has graduated.

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