


9 years, 3 months ago


Name: Agulha
Gender: Bodymouth
Species: Bodymouthed monster

cutie bab who likes organization and has some weird reproductive ways.

is very literate and gets nervous easily.

has a mouth. can deform his head shape to express feelings.
can adapt his body colours to those of the ambient, becoming almost invisible.
he can absorb colours by touching something, so he has a variety of colourful things at home (he only absorbs the colours of the things he owns, so he buys a lot of things). he tends to forget his colours/patterns and naturaly return to his silvery self.... becoming what is the equivalent to a naked human on a crowd. lmao
oh and the flowers grow on him, it is a thing, and it is a thing called menstruation. if fertilized he can lay eggs that would be the biological children of he and some other bodymouth monster, if not he will lay eggs that are his biological clones. he finds cloning weird as he did not grow up in a bodymouth society, so he keeps his eggs in jars instead. 

on a note, bodymouths like him often have cloned children to help them with stuff, having a family of cloned servants instead of reproducing for the parent-child bond. 

bodymouth eggs are jewel-like and a very valuable crafting material for its anti-magical propieties, so he gotta keep his eggs safe.

vorey details: his body is about as consistent as human's lips, he is like a walking mouth.
eating via his bodymouth gives him rather pleasurable weird sensations, so he prefers to get nutrients via liquids and magic. (stuff he can ingest via his vocal opening on his "head")
his body is made to jump into prey's head , use tail around neck and shove it indise the bodymouth.

Bodymouths absorb their prey's characteristics, selecting what they want to be converted into a power of their own or what will simply be converted into magical energy to keep the bodymouth going.
a bodymouth when born is very animal-like, similar to what agulha is. after absorbing different kinds of prey, it will change its appearence almost completely, increasing in size, developing maturity holes and becoming more and more abstract-looking.
Agulha did not grew up in a bodymouth society - he was a bodymouth gem who was "accidentaly" incubated and he adapted to a humanoid society with this. As someone with humanoid thoughts, he refuses to eat using his bodymouth, surviving of liquids and air. With this he never changed his appearence, being only a little taller than what he was when born. To other bodymouths, agulha is what a baby is to us.