Val (FFXIV - Val Myste)



3 months, 16 days ago


Warrior of Light. There's so much where do I even begin

Parents died when they were an infant, having been Ishgardian heretic runaways. Val doesn't know what became of their family, and was taken in by non-Coerthian traders when found amongst the corpses of a couple of Aevis. Named Myste, from a half-understanding of the significance of it in Ishgard.

Grew up in Thanalan. Sickly kid, but enjoyed watching battles growing up and wanted to prove themself. Originally joined the Gladiator's guild, but found the fighting style too harsh. Instead, they learned an improper form of the Rogues' style from watching others, finding the more evasive tactics much easier on them. (Probably Viper too now that it's been announced gahahaha) Around the time they were able to be fully independent, they took the name Val for themself and used Myste as a surname, entirely unaware of it's meaning. (Not that it's inaccurate, though.)

They also found enjoyment out of hunts, finding that to be their primary way of getting by.

Fled Ul'dah in the calamity, settled in [that one place off the path to Horizon] and lived there in exchange for helping to protect it for a while.

Eventually joined the Scions in search of greater enemies to best, completely unaware of what it would mean for them.

Has a Chocobo named Hal ("It's... Just the first name that came to mind.") that helps them get around when they over-exert themself. Has saved them a few times!

MSQ Sparknotes:

  • Since the Waking Sands Incident, they've never ever said they were a Scion. It was originally a means to maintain emotional distance that became a, "Well, it's been so long that it'd be weird to say I am," type of situation.
  • Trust problems strengthened after getting stabbed in the back during the Bloody Banquet. They'd just started to find comfort in the Scions' company again, so they took it all rather hard.
  • Haurchefant. Not a romantic interest but still an important person to them.            yeah
    • His death led to them going on a single-minded mission of revenge. Alphinaud had to help keep them from taking on more than they could handle.
    • Things hit a boiling point on Azys Lla. They lost themself in the amount of strong enemies to take on and their own anger, and it's been a sensitive place for them to be since. Tapped into their latent dragon blood a little. They... Never go alone nowadays.
  • stormblood
    • anyway the twins are their adopted siblings by this point
    • Took the Scions falling extremely poorly, really became glued to Alisaie. The sort of thing where they're scared, but they're scared together.
    • Struggled after losing Alisaie, but managed to turn the despair into motivation after being given a lead.
  • Shadowbringers was a huge expansion in regards to their ability to be vulnerable with others.
    • Having an Amaro ready to fill Hal's role on the First was a lot. man
    • The amount of concern for Val as a person rather than as The Warrior Of Light was a lot to take in at first.
    • We Don't Talk About Post Mount Gulg. 
      • After the almost-lightwardening, their aether became extremely sensitive to changes in the environment and other influences. See: Kallikrates
    • They wanted to go after G'raha alone so bad, but knew they were in no state to do so. Also knew the Scions would want to help if they knew, and they all got way too perceptive.
    • Considered Feo Ul's offer very, VERY seriously.
    • god i miss shb
    • I like to think that the azem crystal lets you tap into azem-isms a little. I also like to think that val gets out-of-the-blue thoughts like "Oh. It's Emet-Selch." with a LOT of venom for NO obvious reason. Random impulse to eat crystals. Sorry your Azem is unhinged angry and abnormal
    • ill go into more detail later im sleepy