Necro Toussaint



5 years, 1 month ago


Necro Toussaint was born to a run-of-the-mill, average family in Ravenloft. Always desiring fame and adoration, he learned every instrument he could and began to travel the land, performing in every town he came across, eventually making quite a name for himself.

One day, during a particularly extravagant performance, a set element fell from a faulty riser, crushing Necro and killing him instantly.

He was buried in a local graveyard and soon resurrected by a cult of necromancers. Fortunately, his abnormally high charisma allowed him to charm his way out of their undead army, and he took to wandering the wilderness and performing once more.

This changed when he came across the fabled Death House of the evil wizard Strahd Von Zarovich, which proceeded to grind Necro's bones to make its bread. Necro was cremated by a warforged cleric whose goal was to destroy all undead.

Minutes later, Necro awoke once more in a strange, foreign land of cogs and airships. Standing over him was a man in a strange suit, who informed him that he was to lead an undead army in a fight for equality in the land of Nimbus. 

What Necro doesn't know, however, is that he was followed by the very Warforged who burned his body. Now, as he uses his charisma and charm to lead a political uprising, Necro may soon come face-to-face with his old adversary.