Jafri Marver



8 years, 3 months ago


The newest Tool of the Glassmaker, an artificial human created to retrieve the soul of the Nameless King. Jafri may very well be the most 'obedient' of the Tools, currently - like Zoe, he began life knowing nothing of his task, and of his creator, but instead of leaving the leading to a proxy as with Zoe, the Glassmaker torments Jafri with recurring dreams, giving impressions of his wishes through violent symbolism. It is an approach symptomatic of Eitri's waning patience more than any sort of 'cleverness.' Many of the older Tools only need to look at Jafri to know that he is in danger of falling to pieces under the stress - after all - it is not uncommon for an imperfect glasswork to shatter.

No surprise that Jafri's developed into an anxious, jumpy personality - he feels wrong in his own skin, constantly out of sorts around other people - before he ever began to seek the soul, he first had to reach a personal breaking point where attempting to follow along to the frightening, chaotic content of his nightmares seemed like the best idea for getting any sort of peace.

In the course of this quest, so you could call it, he met a fur trader named Eira Pincer - or rather, he was sought out by her, not that he'd know it - and over time of their acquaintance, she drew out the story of what he was doing and why. Surprise one was that she took it seriously. Surprise two was that she offered to help.

In the original draft, Jafri entered the plot when he stole the Nameless King's soul from Zoe. In the course of her taking it back, he was very nearly murdered by Agni - and very definitely gravely injured. He's saved from death when Eira intervenes.

..And then he totally fell off the face of the plot!