πŸŽπŸŽπŸ— β€£ Neopolitan



5 years, 1 month ago


Name Neopolitan Fernvalor
Class Skull Cleric
Race Human
Alignment Neutral Good
Level 1

Background Townsperson
Homeland Kingdom of Eden
Occupation Nurse β†’ Party Cleric

Age 24
Height 5'8"
Weight 156 lbs
Gender Nonbinary
Pronouns they / them

Theme ovob
XP 0/100
HP 20/20
MP 25/25
Str 3/10
End 5/10
Def 3/10
Int 8/10
Chr 8/10
Wis 9/10
Dex 4/10
Per 6/10
Lck 1/10
Design Info

Based off of the colours of Neopolitan ice-cream. Neo is a cleric, and so their main skillset is the ability to heal others. They usually have a calm, serene smile on their face.

  • They have an average build. Not too skinny, and not too chubby, but they do lean a little on the chubby side.
  • Expression is usually a sweet smile.

  • Rain and thunderstorms
  • Cherries and cherry drinks/sweets
  • Herbology

  • Centipedes
  • People who abuse magicks
  • Mean-spirited teasing

The main party's resident healer. Neopolitan, also known as "Neo" for short, is the mom friend of the group. They are Talisen's childhood friend and neighbour. Before the events of the story, Neo worked in a small village within the Kingdom of Eden as a nurse. They are kind, caring, and enjoy doting on others. They try not to smother others, however.
Neo is also an avid studier of the arts and magicks. They respect the nature from which they derive their spells from, and are a devoted follower of The Goddess Progenitor, Pomunna. Their biggest dream is to uncover the hidden history of the world, and figure out what happened to her.

Neo likes to tease their loved ones, all in good fun. If they ever step on a nerve, or go too far, they are quick to apologize. They are overall pretty pleasant to be around, though they also aren't a doormat. They can be stern with need be. As a result, they are seen in their village as a trustworthy inhabitant, and are pretty popular with the local kids.


Crow Feather Staff | Healing | 25 GP
Neo's starting weapon. Does basic damage, and is more often than not used to heal. A good bonk on the noggin with this wood-carved staff still hurts, though. Yowch!
Crow Feather Cloak | Armour | 20 GP
Neo's starting armour. A fluffy cloak that can also double as a nice blanket to snuggle up with at night. Caw caw comfy cozy!
Leather Gloves | Shield | 10 GP
A basic set of gloves. They won't protect you from much, but at least they're affordable?

Half-Eaten Cookie | Food | 0 GP | 2 HP
A half-eaten cookie given to you by a child. It's ... edible, but just be sure to eat it before it goes stale.
Healing Potion | Potion | 25 GP | 10 HP
A small healing potion. Brewed using mints and flowers. It tastes kind of bad, so be sure to ingest it in one big gulp. Bottom's up!

Woven Bracelet | 0 GP
A bracelet gifted to Neo by their mother before she died. It used to belong to their great-great-grandfather, who is heralded by the Kingdom of Eden as a hero.

Coin Purse | 50 GP | MISC
Neo's coin purse. The money inside of it was what their village was able to scrounge up and give to them before they set off on their adventure. The purse itself was sewn together by the village children. Its stitches hold a promise that Neo will return home safely after their journey.

Healing Word | Single Target | Healing Spell | 5 MP
The user utters a few words, and heals a single target for 1d6 HP. Healing ability increases by 1d6 per level up.
Healing Light | Multiple Targets | Healing Spell | 15 MP
The user procures a blinding light from their staff, replenishing up to three companions with 2d4 HP each. Healing ability increases by 1d4 per level up.

Big F**kin Fireball | Multiple Targets | Fire Elemental | 10 MP
Sometimes you just gotta summon a giant fireball to wipe out your enemies with. Deals 2d6 damage at first level, and increases by 1d6 per 3 level-ups.

Neo totally learned this spell just to upstage Talisen. Fuck you.


Mind Glimpse
Casting this spell in close proximity to another individual in the overworld will allow Neo to glimpse into their mind. Contrary to belief, this is not a form of mind-reading; in actuality, the spell allows Neo to see the concept of that individual's thoughts. For example, if someone were to be thinking of an apple, Neo would be able to use this ability to see that they were thinking of food.
A Quiet Beginning

Born in the quaint town of Pharidge, Neo has led a rather calm life up until now. The result of a noblewoman's liaison with her childhood lover (as she and her husband were part of a polyamorous relationship), Neo and their mother moved from the bustling city of her estate to Pharidge in order to live less opulent lives. Unfortunately, when Neo was around 20-years-old, they lost their mother to a plague that swept the town. Not truly knowing the identity of their birth father, Neo packed their bags, sold their house, and became a travelling cleric in order to search for clues, and to deliver their mother's final keepsake to one of the people in her life whom she loved.

Settling Down

Happening upon the fair village of Ashaluma, Neo decided to settle down for a short while, finding the atmosphere of the place calm and relaxing. In addition, many of the villagepeople were unable to receive adequate medical attention for their needs, and Neo was never one to turn the other cheek when it came to helping others. When a local squire came into the village one day to check up on its people, Neo was surprised to see that it was their childhood friend, Talisen. The latter had left Pharidge when he was 15, wishing to become a knight, and to say that it was a shock for both of them to see the other after nearly 7 years apart would be an understatement.

Still, the two of them quickly caught up with one another, albeit with a slightly tense air about them. Neo still hadn't fully forgiven Talisen for up and abandoning their town without word, and Talisen wasn't sure how to talk to their former neighbour after so long. Nonetheless, the two remained on friendly terms, with the issue mainly being that of awkward communication. With Talisen's help, Neo was able to put down some roots in Ashaluma, though their goal of finding their birth father would not cease. Amidst their duties as the village nurse, Neo would often travel to the capital in order to search for clues on his father's whereabouts. All of these searches often ended up fruitlessβ€”but such a thing did naught in deterring Neo from their goal. One day, somehow, they'd be able to find him and give him their mother's keepsake.

The First Step

Initially confused as to why, Neo answered King Eden's summons along with Talisen. The two of them are sent on a small quest in order to retrieve a special item from another city. In order to give Neo further incentive, the King reveals that he is aware of Neo's search for their father; as such, he believes that a hint regarding his whereabouts will be found in the city they are being sent to. Eager to pick up where they left off on their journey, Neo begins to travel alongside Talisen, the two of them not realizing yet that they are being played like puppets on a string... And thus begins a great adventure that spans the world and stretches across even time itself.

oafnOzv.png Talisen friend

Talisen and Neo grew up together in their humble village. Their mothers are best friends, and often encouraged the two to spend time with one another. Despite this, they aren't particularly close, and often bicker about inane things. Nonetheless, Neo thinks of Talisen as an annoying but beloved presence in their life. They are also rivals in a magical sense, as Neo's magic focuses on healing, whereas Talisen is an offensive mage. Due to his popularity as a knight, Neo often teases Talisen for having a very insistent fanclub.

PrDL2vW.png Nannid Friend

Talisen and Neo meet the bookwormish Dragonborn in the City of Scholars, DimaΓ―kΓ³s. Wishing to investigate the abnormalities in the nearby shrine, Nannid concludes that she must utilize the various knowledges she has studied in her hometown in order to help the two on their quest. She often spouts fun facts about the areas they travel to, finding wonder in just about everything. Neo finds her endearing, and over the course of their journey, starts to see her as a good friend.

iEbyTx5.png Red Friend

Stumbling upon their lot in the woods, Neo is initially extremely wary of Red. Wanting to protect the party, they keep Red at an arm's length, wishing them to be a good person, but finding them suspicious nonetheless. When they are proven to be innocent, Neo lets their guard down and begins to trust them. The two of them are like-minded, and often hang out alongside one another in silence. Neo is a little put-off by Red's nonchalant attitude, particularly when it comes to subjects centred on morality.

UV6zQOt.png Falellan Enemy

Neo initially trusts Falellan, believing them to be a courteous individual, especially when Talisen vouches for their work ethic as a fellow knight. However, when Neo realizes that Falellan has lied to their party, and was disgraced from the knighthood after they'd left to go on their quest, Neo expresses suspicion and doubt at their motives. Because Fal's party is attempting to stop Neo's from going on their quest, Neo sees them as an enemy attempting to betray the crown. However, when Neo realizes that they've been tricked by the King, the two begin to work alongside one another to save the world.

c1pIh3D.png Athena Respected

Neo highly respects Athena's role as the Princess of the Forest. They see her a dependable figure, and take inspiration from her leadership, implementing it into their own. When they realize that their softness has led to their allies being hurt in the past, Neo becomes similar to Athena, expressing suspicion and wariness while still attempting to cultivate an optimistic outlook on humanity. They help protect her and her Time Crystal; in turn, she provides the party with a moment of respite in her land, and Neo is thankful for the gesture.