𝟎𝟏𝟏 β€£ Aster Lam



5 years, 1 month ago



Β Β Β  The sacrifices I made to get here will not be in vain. Β Β Β 

Name Aster Lam Age 700*
gender/pronouns agender + he/they orientation unknown
height/weight 5'5" / weightless species angel
class seraphim starting level 5 β†’ 250
code by teratoma inspired by vomco


Standing at only 5'5", Aster has a short stature in comparison to other angels his age. He does not let his height deter him in any manner, even if it is the source of teasing from his peers. His white hair is wavy in texture, curling inward into his peach-shaped face; though not all of his hair is white, as the roots and some strands are also black. He has light skin, and black eyes. In addition, he has thick eyebrows. His mouth is almost always pulled into a frown or scowl.

In his first appearance, Aster wears the turquoise variant of the Cherub Soldier uniform: a white dress shirt with a red tie, teal vest, and white pants. In later appearances, Aster wears turquoise variants of the other angelic soldier classes: angel, archangel, and finally, seraphim. In addition to his uniform, Aster's angelic lineage can be pinpointed by his wing-ears, which appear much like a typical depiction of an angel's wings. Interestingly, he does not sport any antennae. Aster also has a prominent halo: a glowing, large oval with lines coming out of it, fashioned similarly to a crudely-drawn eye with eyelashes.

Cunning and ruthless, Aster is the perfect embodiment of an angel of Heaven: cold, calculating, and ready to do whatever it takes for the sake of his mission. He cares not for what may get in his way, as they will all be swiftly cut down with his sword in due time. Having been groomed within the relentless and unforgiving environment which lays beyond Heaven's gates, Aster has decided that he will let nothing stop him from achieving his goal of becoming the new God of the realm. Due to his actions and his hostility towards the party, Aster is considered the final antagonist of equilibrium.


Aster was born roughly 1,000 years ago as a human to a noble family. Growing up without a care in the world, they became accustomed to a life with riches, convenience, and luxury. When they died, the karma in their soul determined them to have been content enough to not warrant reincarnation. Ultimately agreeing with this decision, Aster came to reside in Heaven. However, it was not ... enough. Expecting themself to be greeted with the same easy lifestyle they'd become so used to as a human, Aster was shocked to learn that their status meant nothing in the afterlife. Begrudgingly, they enlisted in the army as a soldier, wishing desperately to climb the ranks of the angelic army so that they may recreate the privileged life they led up until then.

As they grew older, Aster began to internalize all the commendments and creeds which the society of Heaven prided itself on; in doing so, he became jaded, relentless, and stubborn. Not wanting to back out from his goal at this point, Aster gradually became more powerful, with seemingly nothing to stop them from attaining their goal. When he became an Archangel, Aster was assigned to be Hal Evangelista's partner as a result of the Heaven-Netherworld karmic program. As the metaphorical angel on humans' shoulders, Aster was tasked with influencing mortal beings assigned to him to make lawful decisionsβ€”this, of course, did not necessarily always mean the "morally correct" action, but rather the one which adhered most to the rules and regulations of the human world.

Now being exposed more than ever to human life, Aster began to resent and envy the beings he was forced to look after. While Hal began to develop fond feelings and memories over human beings, Aster saw them as inferior to angelsβ€”not only that, but he began to see both demons and angels as being inferior to him. This ultimately culminated in him murdering one of his charges one fateful nightβ€”a human by the name of Ai. He then pinned the blame on his demon partner, Hal, and subsequently had his mentor on the Council of Seraphimβ€”Laurentβ€”expelled from his post as a result.

Unknowingly to Aster, the Council saw through his lies, but were ultimately impressed with his actions; through his years, Aster had become the perfect embodiment for pride. As such, he was extended an offer to become one on the Council... eventually. Because he still was not powerful enough to rival any of the seated members, he was to continue his training, and mentorship would pass along to all six remaining Council members until he was fit to take his seat. Begrudgingly, Aster trains for this day, though he thinks that he's already surpassed even the Council itself at this point...


  • Aster is a relatively older OC who is based on a character that I used to RP when I was younger. His personality is very different, however, though his looks and outfit are pretty similar to the character he was based on.
  • Aster is coded as mixed Chinese + White. He serves as a rather obvious metaphor to concepts like privilege, overexcessive riches, and the model minority myth.
  • Aster's name is not as deep or meaningful as the other angels', but he was named because his white hair is reminiscent of starlight. His surname, Lam, is the Cantonese romanization of ζž—, meaning "forest." It's sort of related to the character he was based on, but just barely; it does not serve any useful meaning beyond just that, however.
  • Aster's angel age was deliberately chosen so that the number 7 was part of it. This number is a reference to angels and the Christian Bible (777).