


5 years, 4 months ago


Name: ?
Relations: X, X
Story: There was a humble village, not even just a village, a humble species small enough to fit into all the cracks in the trees. In fact, they lived in a giant tree, a big redwood tree or something of the like. They didn't know as they could fit in the cracks! To them that was their whole world, they could see other things but they could not travel nearly fast enough to get there before nightfall. And so they transformed the tree into a giant home for any and all bug species alike. They lived in harmony with all bugs, accepting those who were injured and providing shelter from the rain. The species wasn't that advanced, using rocks and weeds for most of their technology. Their part of the world was uninhabited, that is until the giants came. The giants rumbled the ground and they had bit hollowed out tree-boats. Their shouting was enough to burst glass. The species could see them as they chopped down the trees around them, huddled in fear. They witnessed the harvesting of sap, bark, and... bodies. Other species had been holed up in the trees surrounding them but they never knew. Some of them seemed to be dead, but the living were thrown into a big metal box, supposedly for later use. Finally, they approached the tree of the humble species, and a great buzzing scream began outside. The beast tore through the tree and it fell to the ground. The giants gathered the same materials from our tree as the others: sap, bark and us. When they were finished cutting down trees for the day they threw the metal box onto a wood desk, where a giant opened the box and peeked inside. They will be useful it said. Hook them up with the others it said. They were all stuck into harnesses and hooked to the front of whatever moving beast they road in. Species similar and different to us tugged on the machine, trying to move it. The machine growled and lurched forward, everyone scrambled to stay ahead of the churning wheels that would be the end of anyone who stopped moving or was too slow. We scrambled long and far in a panicked mass, driven by the churning sounds behind us and the occasional scream for help. Everything was fine until there was a blue sea. The machine stopped, the churning kept going though. After a few seconds of quiet contemplation by the giants, it was decided to push on ahead. Many of the species panicked because they had never seen the blue stuff before, and they didn't know how to swim either. The few creatures that came from the water helped us learn and held those who could not swim above the water. It took a long time to travel across the blue sea. The land was hard to get the beast back onto, but as a group we did it. The giants drove for a long time, stopping to investigate trees and chopping any with signs of life down. They drove until a cave was reached and they put us all to work again shoving small flames into our hands and pushing us into the cave. Some of us were able to escape in that dark cave full of nooks and crannies, but a lot of us weren't. The ones who stayed had to light the way for giants and push out ores for the giants. And once all the ore the giants wanted was got they hooked us back to the monster and drove all the way back to their city. In the city, we were regarded as insects, nothing to worry about. We were angry and we did not want to be there! We wanted to go back to our redwood tree and try to make it work. So we showed them, power in numbers, we all said! It was true, we were powerful now! We broke from our iron bars and disappeared into the sewers, which if you follow them for long enough leads you to the outside world! We were in the wild again and now would have to start a new... much more scared, but more powerful too.
Design notes: Protagonists' best friend! Wears a red jacket/cape all the time.